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Warm Up: State whether the data is qualitative or quantitative.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: State whether the data is qualitative or quantitative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: State whether the data is qualitative or quantitative.
Brand of vehicle purchased by a customer Price of a CD Number of students who prefer chocolate over vanilla Height of a one-year-old child Number of students who turn in a term paper early Gender of the next baby born at WakeMed Amount of fluid ounces dispensed by a soda machine Thickness of the gelatin coating of a Vitamin C capsule Brand of computer purchased by a customer State of birth for someone born in the United States Price of a textbook The phone numbers of everyone in this class Weight of coffee in a can Length of a rattlesnake 1. C 2. Q 3. Q 4. C 5. Q 6. Q 7. C 8. Q 9. Q 10. C 11. C 12. Q 13. C 14. Q 15. Q

2 Frequency Table and Histograms

3 How many paperclips can you hook together in 60 seconds?
Paper Clips Linked Tally Frequency 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 How many links can you put together in one minute? Collect data and have students record on the board in a frequency distribution table. Show how to make a histogram from this by hand. Make sure that you are not just making a bar graph. The bars should be touching (like the next slide) to show the continuity of the data. Usually the lower value for each interval is marked on the x-axis on the left side of the corresponding “bar”, although you can also use the midpoint of the interval as well. Discuss with students – what is the difference between a bar graph and a histogram? (bars touching; bar graphs used with categorical data & histograms used with quantitative data divided into intervals)

4 Describing Distributions
SOCS hape utliers enter pread In order to describe a distribution, we address the following things: the shape of the distribution, the center or most typical value, how spread out the data is, and if there are outliers, we note them.

5 Shape Mound/Symmetrical Skewed Left Skewed Right Uniform
Go over 4 types of shapes. What shape does our links distribution have?

6 Outliers Outliers are extreme high or low values. *We will calculate them tomorrow! outlier

7 Center mean median mode
add the values up and divide by number of values median the middle value (if two numbers share the center, average them) mode the value that appears most often (there can be multiple or no modes) When first discussing how to interpret graphs, have students give an eyeball estimate of the center of the distribution. Then formalize with the numerical calculations later on in the unit. What is the approximate center, or typical value, for the number of links put together in one minute?

8 Spread Range = Max value – Min value
* We will discuss interquartile range and standard deviation later in the unit! When first discussing how to interpret graphs, have students give an eyeball estimate of the center of the distribution. Then formalize with the numerical calculations later on in the unit. What is the approximate center, or typical value, for the number of links put together in one minute?

9 NFL Rushing Statistics
Group activity: Make a frequency distribution table for your assigned column of data. Draw the corresponding histogram on graph paper. Write a paragraph about your data that addresses shape, center, spread, and outliers. Guided practice: Divide students into groups and assign each group a column from the 2011 NFL Rushing Statistics for Top 50 Rushers: Rushing Attempts, Total Yards for the Season, Average Yards per Attempt, Average Yards per Game, Number of Rushing Touchdowns, Longest Run of the Season (if you have more than 6 groups, have 2 groups use the same category). Have each group present their graph and description to the class. If time is limited, ask students to work on the same column of data. Cut down on number of Rushers for time (20 Rushers)

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