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Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design
Flow Culture System Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design System Design Review October 2, 2014 Collin Burkhart Katelyn Busse Michelle Garofalo Robert Repetti Morgan Stoessel Sarah Tran Team

2 Agenda CRs and ERs Functional Decomposition Morphological Chart
Benchmarking Concept Generation/Pugh Analysis Turning Point/Concept Selection System Architecture Alternative Concepts Feasibility Analysis FMEA Risk Assessment Project Plan Deliverables Questions

3 Essential Customer Requirements

4 Essential Engineering Requirements

5 Functional Decomposition

6 View Cells Kate

7 Culture Cells Kate

8 Control Environment Michelle

9 Morphological Chart-1 Michelle

10 Morphological Chart-2 Rob

11 Morphological Chart-3 Morgan
Change Flow Media from Syringe to Peristaltic Pump

12 Benchmarking - Whole System

13 Benchmarking - Whole System

14 Benchmarking - Pumps Morgan

15 Benchmarking - Materials

16 Benchmarking Shear Measurement and Control Requirements
Shear Range: 0-20 dynes/cm2 = 0-2.9X10-4 psi Flow Range: mL/second System Temperature: 25-37℃ Autoclave Temperature: Max 121℃ Strain Gauge Load Transducer Conversion Table Can it handle autoclave and system temperatures? No Yes N/A Can it measure a low force value? No (0.2 psi) No (0.1 psi) Yes (Flow Sensor) Can a display be made? Is it cost feasible? <500 Yes ($160) No ($500) Yes (Free) Rob

17 Concept Generation-Pugh Analysis
Sarah Fix Design Names - more clear “incubator and peristaltic pump” “sensors and positive displacement pump” Totals - recheck math!

18 Turning Point Kate and Morgan

19 Concept Selection Collin explain reasoning behind choosing this one
No Cost, Known Consistent Environment, No extra labor, No need for user calibration, Able to sterilize itself

20 System Architecture Incubator Collin CO2 Heat Water Pan Cells Filter
Cell Chamber Microscopes Alternate Reservoir Media Reservoir Pump Media Architecture Color Structure Energy Information Materials Electricity Media Color Collin Flow Rate

21 Alternative Cell Viewing Concepts
Keep Attached for Viewing Have to move microscope next to incubator Extra length of hose to take out of incubator and set on microscope Carry total system on a tray Detach from System for Viewing Increase risk for contamination Close off chamber clamps on tubing (2 on each side) Valves Caps (like flasks currently use) Collin

22 Alternative Subsystem Concepts
Rob Media Circulation System

23 Feasibility Analysis-Pumps
Syringe Pump Peristaltic Pump Morgan types of pumps used in experiments previously done, talk about flow rates, talk about features

24 Feasibility Analysis-Shear Stress/Flow Rates
Values used for calculation μ=0.78x10^-3 Ns/m^2 b=0.06m a=0.0125m T=2 N/m^2 Flow Rate .016 L/s Dependent on Chamber Size T=shear stress μ=viscosity of the liquid Q=flow rate b=channel width a=½ channel height Morgan-source the article, check on equations Kojima, Naoya, Mitsuru Shiota, Yoshito Sadahira, Kazuko Handa, and Sen-itiroh Hakomori. "Cell Adhesion in a Dynamic Flow System Compared to Static System."The Journal of Biological Chemistry (1992): Web. 1 Oct Wang, Chong, Hao Lu, and Martin Alexander Schwartz. "A Novel in Vitro Flow System for Changing Flow Direction on Endothelial Cells." Journal of Biomechanics 45.7 (2012): ELSEVIER. Web. 1 Oct

25 Feasibility Analysis - Materials
Polycarbonate (PC) Several buying options Variety of readily available sizes Low cost Polymethylpentene (PMP) Very limited buying options Sparse size options Far more expensive than PC Collin - TAP Plastics, 1 in2 to several feet2, 1/32” thick to ½” thick, 12 1ft2 sheets and 6 6”2 sheets at ⅛” thick for only 17% of “other materials” budget ($87) Thickest sheet only .02” thick (.5mm), a single 1ft2 sheet is nearly 8% of the budget

26 Feasibility Analysis-Budget

27 FMEA Sarah

28 FMEA Cont. Sarah

29 Risk Assessment Lowered Risks Risk 8-Sensor Knowledge
Risk 17-Media contamination during microscope viewing Increased Risks Risk 18-Media contamination during exchange “Still at Large” risks Risk 15 and 16-Shear stress measurement Morgan-talk about projected risk in script

30 Project Plan: MSD-I Michelle

31 Deliverables Proof of Concept Consultation with Material Experts
Further Engineering Analysis Simulations/3D Models Prototyping of Subsystems Consultation with Material Experts Dr. Man Dr. Gaborski Mr. Hanzlik Michelle

32 Questions, Comments, or Concerns? Thank you!

33 Back-Up Slides House of Quality:
House of Quality - Michelle

34 Back Up Slides Risk Table - Morgan

35 Back Up Slides Sarah - Outline of Each Alternative Concepts with details

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