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2 Agenda 7.1 Recap PFS Changes 7.2 Headline Changes Snomed CT Changes

3 Current status of releases
In Development Release Preparation Controlled Rollout General Release EMIS Web 7.2 3rd Nov EMIS Web 7.1 Now on gen release

4 KEY Points for PFS changes in 7.1
Register patients by selecting the Patient Services tab. No Patient Services page in the left-hand pane of the edit patient screen. No longer a requirement for legal basis when registering online users (or when increasing their level of access).Legal basis will be required for proxy users.  New Online users section for editing/managing patients. Identity verifications can be viewed, edited and deleted.  Age maturity functionality for registering patients under 16, or when an existing online user reaches 16. When reg new patients under 16 since V7.1, new codes must be added when signing up for PFS. New folder in Workflow Manager > Tasks to deal specifically with new service requests (a patient requesting an additional service, e.g. Demographics). Option of on line registration has been removed from WFM as of start of October. Can no longer accept pats from this list for PFS. New searches Better audit trail functionality for PFS/On line users.

5 Online PFS search tip for 7.1
Once the patient has completed their registration online, the account status will remain Active, but the patient is a now fully live and registered. You can search for patients who have completed their registration online in Population Reporting using Add > Online user > Search. After completing the properties screen, add a rule based on the Online User to Patient links feature, then select Online services client as the criteria.  To find patients who are active with PFS use the features of On line Users – One line Users status – active.

6 PFS Search

7 7. 2 Headline Changes Appointments - General Practice Workload Tool
Hexavalent vaccine Recall Schedules Replacing existing Diary Entries Delete a consultation Batch Data Manager 

8 Appointments – General Practice Workload Tool
A new General Practice Workload Tool has been developed to provide you with an overview of your appointment activity. You can use the tool to view appointment data in charts and grids, helping you to easily identify issues or trends at your organisation and view how your organisation is using the appointment book. The tool is accessible via the Appointments module and displays appointment data in sections including: A weekly breakdown of appointment statistics. Speedometers to display appointment utilisation and DNA data. Statistics on appointments broken down by age and gender. Utilisation rate and DNA rate for each session holder in relation to their available, booked, unbooked and DNA appointments. The ability to export or print your data to keep and view your results at a later date.


10 Hexavalent vaccine You can now schedule babies born on or after the 1st August 2017 for the new hexavalent or 6-in-1 vaccine. The new vaccine includes hepatitis B (HepB) and will replace the pentavalent, or 5-in-1, infant vaccines. Vaccine codes also now created in Web. See user guide on SC

11 Recall Schedules Clinical Recall Schedules now include a Trigger override option so that the triggers created for a Clinical Recall Schedule can be overridden when they would cause the addition of conflicting diary entries. For example, before the schedule is applied, it will check if an override code is present on a patient’s care record as an observation, and subsequently prevent adding the diary entry if it does exist.


13 Replacing Existing Diary Entries
You’re now prompted with a warning message when adding a Diary Entry that will replace an existing Diary Entry with the same code. You have the option to replace or keep the existing Diary Entry, as well as the option to replace, keep or edit the existing Diary Text.  The warning message is displayed when adding a Diary Entry from either a Consultation, the Care Record, a Template or a Protocol.  See video on this in SC

14 Delete a Consultation You must now enter a reason for deletion when deleting a consultation from a patient record. Previously you could select Delete without entering a reason, it’s now a mandatory field. You can enter a reason by typing free text or by selecting the Reason for deletion drop down and picking one of the following reasons: Duplicate Data Entered in Error Incorrect Patient See video recording on the SC for changes on this.

15 Snomed CT Changes Support Centre News Search for Snomed Webinars
Snomed CT Picker for download. NHS Digital website for full info.

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