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Theme 2: Science and Technology Getting Started

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1 Theme 2: Science and Technology Getting Started
Lesson 5

2 Mind Mapping Tips and Tricks
What is a mind map? A mind map is a graphic organizer that uses key words, brief descriptions, symbols, pictures, and codes to show your understanding of a concept or issue.

3 Mind Mapping Tips and Tricks
What should a mind map include? 1. A strong image in the middle of the page. This image should be as colourful as possible. 2. Key words, brief descriptions, symbols, pictures, and codes that show your knowledge and understanding of the topic. 3. Colours that make important ideas stand out. 4. Lines to show the connections among topics, ideas, and descriptions.

4 Mind Mapping Tips and Tricks
How do I create a mind map? 1. Read the selected passage and decide on the main idea. Show this in the image in the middle of the page. 2. Take time to read the passage carefully. This is not a race. 3. Use scrap paper to make notes on the information you plan to include on your mind map. 4. Create a rough sketch with a pencil to make sure you are using space effectively.

5 Mind Mapping Tips and Tricks
5. Label the main idea and subtopics clearly. Show the difference between the two by using different styles of writing (e.g., capital letters or larger print for the main idea). 6. Decide on a colour code and use symbols and graphics when needed. 7. Use lines to connect ideas. Where possible, make the connection clear by printing them on the line. 8. Check your mind map for errors and make revisions.

6 Technology Cycle How is World War II likely to affect science and technology?

7 Finding the Technological Edge
Technology advanced quickly during World War I, and the same thing happened during World War 11. Both the Allies and the Axis Powers tried to find a technological edge that would produce Victory. The terrible lessons of World War 1, including the heavy loss of life in trench warfare, sparked military and political leaders to look to technology to change the way World War II was fought. They tried, for example, to develop bigger and better bomber aircraft that could fly farther and deliver huge bomb loads. But as in World War I, nearly every advance by one side led the other side to develop countermeasures.

8 Technology’s Big Leap When World War II started in 1939, some soldiers still rode horses into battle. Trenches were dug, and battleships that had been used during World War I were pressed into service. But things changed enormously over the six years of the war. Jet-powered aircraft, radar detection systems, the atomic bomb, and television were just a few of the technological developments that changed the world forever.

9 Technology’s Big Leap Technology affected every aspect of warfare, including weapons (e.g., aircraft and the atom bomb) industry (e.g., specialized manufacturing processes) communication (e.g., radar and improvements in radio)

10 Focused Change One result of the technological changes that speeded up during World War II was specialization - - developing a tool, machine, or product for one specific purpose. Airplanes were an example. Many different kinds of planes were manufactured for specific purposes: to carry heavy bombs or transport soldiers and supplies, to travel long distances Without refueling, and to maneuver easily to fight battles in the air.

11 The Great Leap Forward Like the technological advances that had a lasting effect on society after World War I, the technologies developed during World War II also changed the way people lived after the war. Some of the developments that speeded up as a result of the war were radar, passenger air transport, and television. World War II also ushered in the nuclear age and the possibility of putting nuclear technology to peacetime uses.

12 The Great Leap Forward The development of new technologies also speeded changes in Canada’s economy. When the war started, the Canadian economy relied heavily on farming and natural resources, such as coal and lumber. By the end of the war, Canada was an industrial country. Its wartime production was fourth among the Allies, after the United States, the Soviet Union, and Britain. Wartime production advances helped Canada become one of the top 10 industrial nations of the world.

13 TLS 3.2.1 Mind Map Use p.170-177 Worksheet is front and back
Add additional bubbles as needed Complete one mind map for each of: Radar and Aviation Industry Nuclear Science Communication

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