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Chris Carey Consultant Anaesthetist BSUH NHS Trust

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Carey Consultant Anaesthetist BSUH NHS Trust"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning from Serious Incidents: How can we move beyond a blame culture?
Chris Carey Consultant Anaesthetist BSUH NHS Trust Associate Postgraduate Dean HEE KSS RCoA Council Member

2 Scale Reported to National Reporting & Learning System (NRLS) in England 1,928,048 June Cost unknown No Harm 73.1 Low Harm 23.4 Moderate Harm 2.9 Severe / Death 0.54

3 Culture and Outcomes

4 SI’s on an individual level

5 System Failures


7 Impact on doctors in training




11 Discussion 1 Talk in pairs:
describe an incident that you have been involved with or that happened in you place of work What were the contributing factors?

12 Discussion 2 Group discussion
what are the common themes that underlie untoward incidents?

13 Discussion 3 Group discussion:
what are the barriers the prevent learning from untoward incidents?

14 Discussion 4 Group Discussion:
(i) how can we overcome the barriers to learning? (ii) how can we support trainees involved?

15 Discussion 5 Group discussion:
What sort of things can we do as individuals to improve culture and learning from untoward incidents

16 Summary

17 Thank you

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