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Saving the Great Lakes from Toxic Nuclear Waste

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1 Saving the Great Lakes from Toxic Nuclear Waste

2 Who are we? ` We are a group of students worried about the future of our drinking water. Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is planning to build a deep geologic repository 1 km away from Lake Huron, 600 m into the Canadian Shield.


4 What are the reasons to be concerned?
Unexpected leaks into our groundwater and drinking water Could be transported to other watersheds Nuclear waste remains toxic for 100,000 years, so there is no telling what will happen within that time. There are no other examples of a repository being built in limestone and shale, so there is no guarantee of how it could impact minerals

5 Why involve TDSB students?
Students of TDSB would be able to cause change and untie under one cause We would be proposing against a plan that affects the life source of our communities; water It helps to instil value about our environment The student body would be able to stand up for an important issue.

6 Getting Students Engaged!
What are we doing? Raising Student Awareness! Getting Students Engaged!

7 Short Term Goals Gain support of TDSB Students
Gain support of the public Student involvement Gain support of MPP’s Contact organizations working towards the same goal Involve media

8 Long Term Goals Find multiple solutions
Change minds of provincial and federal government Use our voices and stand up for something Start a movement within students Gather media attention for public awareness

9 Advancements Support of TDSB Super Council
Support from Lake Ontario Water Keeper; a Canadian charity working to better the water qualities of large bodies of water across the world, specifically Lake Ontario Support and permission to use new research from Dr. Neil Hyatt from UK on a possible solution (nuclear waste into glass)

10 Wait. There might be a solution
Wait! There might be a solution! Manufacturing Glass Could Reduce Nuclear Waste By 90% A study led by Professor Neil Hyatt of Sheffield University in the U.K created a technique that nuclear waste could be contained within a glass. Transforming it into a glass that can be safely buried will significantly reduce disposal costs. Because this technique is so much more safer, it could relieve concerns among the public about burial disposal.

11 Three parts plutonium and one part blast furnace slag are combined and heated to over 1500°C (2732°F) and then cooled at room temperature. The result is a durable black silicate glass that can safely store harmful plutonium.

12 Plan to achieve goals: Gain support of students
all students, include petition, link to Facebook page Get petitions signed Scan all petitions to be sent to local MPP’s, the OPG, and the municipality of Kincardine ( host city of deep geologic repository) Inform media Make appointment with OPG to see if they will change their proposal.

13 Last Thoughts Our goal is to end OPG’s proposal for the Lake Huron nuclear waste repository. By involving students we empower the community and voice the concerns of many. It is important that the TDSB students are informed about this movement because it has the power to affect the future of our drinking water.

14 Please Contact Email us at: savethegreatlakes@hotmail. com
We’re on Facebook! Like our Facebook Page: Save the Great lakes from nuclear waste We’re on Twitter! Follow us

15 Thank you so much for listening!
We hope to get all of your support! Let’s Stand Up for Water!

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