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Types of Plate Boundaries

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1 Types of Plate Boundaries

2 When 2 plates meet….. 1- They can crash together =
Convergent Boundary OR 2- They can move away from each other = Divergent Boundary OR 3- They can slide past each other = Sliding/Transform Boundary

3 Convergent Boundaries
There are two types of Convergent Boundaries: A. Subduction: when one plate is more dense than another, the more dense plate goes underneath the less dense plate. Subduction The 2nd type is collision

4 Convergent Boundaries: Subduction
One plate goes under the other Features that occur: Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Ocean Trench Remember: “The Ocean floor is going DOWN!!!!”

5 Example Mt. St. Helens- Juan de Fuca plate goes under the North American Plate. Click Image for Video What are some indicators that a volcano might erupt soon?

6 Convergent Boundaries, Collision
B. Collision: when the 2 plates are the same material. When they hit, they both buckle up (this makes mountains) The two plates have the same density, they buckle up and move to a higher elevation Features: Earthquakes, Folded Mountains

7 Example Mt. Everest, Himalayas
The plates are still colliding and gaining Elevation Click Image for Video What are some forces of nature that keep Everest from getting much higher?

8 Divergent Boundaries When two plates move apart. Features:
In continents: Rift Valley, Volcanoes, Earthquakes In oceans: Mid-Ocean Ridge, Volcanoes, Earthquakes

9 Examples: Great Rift Valley, Africa Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Atlantic Ocean

10 Example: Great Rift Valley, Africa

11 Sliding/Transform Boundary
When two plates slide past each other. Features: Earthquakes

12 Example: California- Pacific Plate slides past the North American Plate at the San Andreas Fault.

13 Example: San Andreas Fault Where is it?
Click Image for Video

14 ASSIGNMENT Answer the following questions in a Google Doc and Submit it in Haiku. You will find the assignment in Haiku, UNIT 3, Tectonic Plates Instructional Material Use a plate boundaries map to answer the following questions: 1. What are the names of the seven major plates? What are the names of the intermediate plates? 3. What is the name of the plate you are currently on? 4. Give two examples of divergent boundary. Give two examples of a convergent boundary. 6. Locate the San Andres Fault in California, what type of plate boundary can be found here? 7. Locate the Andes Mountains what is occurring there to create these mountains? 8. Locate the Himalayas what is happening here? 9. On January 12, 2010 the island of Haiti was hit with a powerful 7.0 magnitude earthquake. Locate Haiti on the map (it’s not on the map so research it’s location in order to figure out about where it would be). Why do you think an earthquake occurred here, what 2 plates do you think were involved? 10. What plate is India on? What other major country is also on this same plate?

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