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Accentuate the Negative

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Presentation on theme: "Accentuate the Negative"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accentuate the Negative
Integers and Rational Numbers

2 Investigation1: Extending the Number System
Students will demonstrate understanding of the number line and how to use it to compare numbers, add and subtract numbers.

3 Homework for this section
Due Thursday 5,11,20,21,22,23-33 odd, 47, 56 Honors Reflections investigation 1 pg 29

4 Warm-up

5 1.1 Playing Math Fever Students will use the number line to represent positive and negative numbers. How can you find the total value of a combination of positive and negative numbers?

6 What do you know about a number line?
Scale how you count on a number line, should be evenly spaced Positive Numbers go right from zero Negative Numbers go left from zero Zero Center of the number line

7 Number line Signs on numbers can be written in the upper left of number, in front of number, usually the plus sign is not written only negative What is the relationship of -0.6 and 0.6? Which number is greater -2.3 or 1.2, why? How can you use a number line to help you list -2.3, -3.5, and 1.7 in order?

8 Types of numbers Counting Numbers 1,2,3,4,5,… Whole numbers 0,1,2,3,4,… Integers …,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,… Rational Numbers Integers and fractions, decimals that repeat or terminate Irrational Numbers Decimals that do not repeat or terminate

9 Math Fever Intro is Jeopardy In your groups read through on page 8 and work through problem 1.1 We will discuss as a group Should know types of numbers and placement on number line


11 Warm-up

12 1.2 Extending the number line
Students will apply new terms and associated them with the number line. How can you use a number line to compare two numbers?

13 More types of numbers Rational Numbers Numbers that can be expressed as one integer divided by another integer, but not zero Are integers rational numbers, why or why not? Is zero a rational number, why or why not? How would you define opposite numbers?

14 Group work 1.2 pg 12 Graphing inequalities More than just one number satisfies this

15 Summary Graphing inequalities More than just one number satisfies this

16 Warm-up

17 Students will use a number line to show change in temperature.
1.3 From Sauna to Snowbank Students will use a number line to show change in temperature. How can you write a number sentence to represent a change on a number line and how can you use a number line to represent a number sentence?

18 Page 14 What does n represent? What does the number sentence n = -20 tell you? What does the number sentence n = 120 tell you?

19 Problem 1.3 pg 16 Work through as a small group we will discuss as a class Writing equations and expressions are you looking at addition or subtraction Key words for addition sum, add, more Key words for subtraction less, subtract, difference

20 Warm-up

21 1.4 In the Chips

22 Quiz

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