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complicated Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK

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1 complicated Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word to learn this week is complicated. Say it with me: complicated. Complicated means “something that is difficult.” A puzzle that has many pieces is complicated. A puzzle with only two pieces is not complicated. 2. En español, complicated quiere decir “algo que es difícil, complicado.” Un rompecabezas de muchas piezas es complicado. Uno de dos piezas, no es complicado. 3. Complicated in English and complicado in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word complicated. (Point to the rug in the photo.) This rug has many different patterns. The design on the rug is complicated. If the rug were just one color, the design would not be complicated. MOVEMENT 5. Let’s play follow the leader. I’ll show you a complicated move, then you follow. (Demonstrate a complicated series of movements such as clapping, jumping, and waving with one hand then the other.) 6. Let’s make a complicated design on a sheet of paper. (Provide crayons and paper for children.) Then share your complicated designs with the class. 7. Now let’s say complicated together three more times: complicated, complicated, complicated. complicated

2 original Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is original. Say it with me: original. Original means “the first one or one of a kind.” When you think of something no one has thought about before, you have an original idea. You can write an original story. 2. En español, original quiere decir “el primero o el único, original.” Cuando piensas en algo que nadie ha pensado antes, tienes una idea original. Puedes escribir un cuento original. 3. Original in English and original in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows an original work. (Point to the painting in the photo.) This girl painted this picture. She didn’t copy it. This picture has never been painted before. It is an original picture. PARTNER TALK 5. Tell your partner about something you made that is original. (Examples include: pictures, paintings, stories) 6. Work with your partner to make up an original dance, song, or rhyme. Then perform your original creation for the class. 7. Now let’s say original together three more times: original, original, original. original

3 talented Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 3 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is talented. Say it with me: talented. Talented means “being very good at doing a certain thing, skillful.” Some people are talented at singing. They sing well. Some people are talented in math. They are very good at math. 2. En español, talented quiere decir “muy bueno haciendo algo, dotado.” Algunas personas son dotadas para el canto. Cantan muy bien. Otras son dotadas en las matemáticas. Son muy buenas para las matemáticas. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows a talented person. (Point to the boy playing the violin in the photo.) This boy can play the violin. He knows how to play the violin well. He is talented. PARTNER TALK 4. Tell your partner what you are talented in. What can you do well? Use the sentence frame: I am talented in ____________. 5. Talk with your partner about someone you saw who is talented. Tell how you could tell that person was talented. 6. Now let’s say talented together three more times: talented, talented, talented. talented

4 astonishing Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is astonishing. Say it with me: astonishing. Astonishing means “surprising, not expected.” It would be astonishing if a baby knew how to read a book. It would also be astonishing if it snowed in the summer. 2. En español, astonishing quiere decir “sorprendente, no esperado, asombroso.” Sería asombroso ver a un bebé leer o ver nieve en el verano. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows something astonishing. (Point to the sky in the photo.) Look at the sky. This is not a typical color for the sky. It is astonishing to see these lights in the sky. PARTNER TALK 4. Think about something that surprised you in a movie or TV show. Tell your partner about something astonishing you saw in the show. 5. Think about what kind of food you like and what kind you do not like. Talk to your partner about what would be astonishing for you to eat. Use the sentence frame: If I ate ____________ it would be astonishing. 6. Now let’s say astonishing together three more times: astonishing, astonishing, astonishing. astonishing

5 continue Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 5 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is continue. Say it with me: continue. To continue means “to keep going, to not stop.” You continue to learn new things in school. If you like a story, you continue to read it until the end. 2. En español, to continue quiere decir “seguir haciendo algo, no parar, continuar.” Si te gusta un libro, continúas leyéndo hasta que lo terminas. 3. To continue in English and continuar in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows something that continues. (Point to the winding road in the photo.) This road continues on for a long way. We cannot see the end of the road. It continues around the turn. MOVEMENT 5. Let’s clap our hands. Let’s continue until I say stop. 6. Let’s take turns marching around the room. Continue to march until someone taps you on the shoulder. (Have children march, one at a time. Choose a child to tap the marcher on the shoulder and continue to march until he or she is tapped.) 7. Now let’s say continue together three more times: continue, continue, continue. continue

6 make out of Function Words & Phrases Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use make out of to tell about what we do with different kinds of materials. Say it with me: make out of. Make out of means “to create something from a specific material.” We can make model airplanes out of plastic. 2. En español, to make out of quiere decir “crear o armar algo de un material específico.” Podemos armar aviones de plástico. 3. This picture shows the words make out of. Look what the boy can make out of clay. What can you make out of clay? PARTNER TALK 4. (Point to a wooden object, such as a chair and say, “This chair is made out of wood.”) Tell your partner about other things that we can make out of wood. Use the sentence: We can make ____________ out of wood. 5. Talk with your partner about different things you have made in art class or at home. What did you make? What did you make them out of? (Examples include: decorations out of paper, bowls out of clay, bracelets out of beads) 6. Repeat the words three times with me: make out of, make out of, make out of. make out of

7 make up Function Words & Phrases Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use make up to tell about something we create. Say it with me: make up. Make up means “to create or invent.” The class will make up a new display for the bulletin board. 2. En español, to make up quiere decir “montar, crear o inventar.” La clase va a montar una presentación en el tablero de anuncios. 3. This picture shows the words make up. It shows that this girl was able to make up her own decoration. PARTNER TALK 4. Look back at the picture. Talk to your partner about what art supplies the girl used to make up her decoration. Then tell how you would make up a decoration of your own. 5. Ask and answer yes or no questions about what you and your partner have made up. Use this sentence frame for your questions: Did you ever make up your own ____________? (Examples include: song, play, sentence, picture, dance, story) 6. Repeat the words three times with me: make up, make up, make up. make up

8 put on (to wear) Function Words & Phrases Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use put on to tell what we do with clothes. Say it with me: put on. Put on means “to wear something.” I put on my coat before I go outside. 2. En español, to put on quiere decir “ponerse ropa.” Me pongo el abrigo antes de salir. 3. This picture shows the words put on. The children put on costumes for the school play. This girl puts on lipstick, too. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I’ll describe some actions. Say, “You put it on,” if you think I did. Say, “You did not put it on,” if I didn’t. I placed my hat on my head. I wore a new jacket to school. I put my shirt in the drawer. I tied my scarf around my neck. 5. I’m going to say some items and then ask a question. Answer “yes” or “no.” A shoe: Can you put it on? A watch: Can you put it on? A house: Can you put it on? A lion: Can you put it on? A helmet: Can you put it on? 6. Repeat the words three times with me: put it on, put it on, put it on. put on (to wear)

9 put aside Function Words & Phrases Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use put aside to tell what we do if we do not need something right away. Say it with me: put aside. Put aside means “to place away from or to take something and put it in another place.” If you do not need to write, you can put aside your pencil. 2. En español, to put aside quiere decir “poner a un lado; poner en un lugar distinto.” Si no vas a escribir nada, puedes poner tu lápiz a un lado. 3. This picture shows the words put aside. When you play checkers, you put aside the checker pieces that you win. MOVEMENT 4. Let’s pretend we are reading a book. Then when I stand up, let’s put aside our books and pretend to get ready to write. 5. Pretend you are playing checkers with your partner. Each time you make a move, pretend you win one checker. Put aside each checker you win. 6. Repeat the words three times with me: put aside, put aside, put aside. put aside

10 tear Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. tear

11 paste Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. paste

12 pop Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. pop

13 tie Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. tie

14 shake Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. shake

15 fold Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. fold

16 Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 ROUTINE
Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.

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