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The Quality of Life Plus Program Colorado Joining Community Forces

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1 The Quality of Life Plus Program Colorado Joining Community Forces
January 17, 2018 Court Allen Program Manager – Rocky Mountain Region

2 Our Mission: “The QL+ Mission is to foster and generate innovations that aid and improve the quality of life for those injured in the line of duty” -Jon Monett, Founder

3 What We Do: Improve the quality of life for our nation’s wounded veterans, active duty military, first responders, law enforcement and intel officers QL+ sponsors and directs technology development projects through partnerships with engineering schools at leading universities Using our expertise in engineering, physical therapy, and program management QL+ identifies specific obstacles to overcome or ease

4 How We Do It: Recruit patriot “Challengers” with life-altering injuries through understanding their lifestyle limitations “Challenges” are offered to and accepted by partner university QL+ sponsored student engineering programs QL+ mentors, monitors, and supports the unique collaboration between Challenger and Student Team Once complete, the Student Team formally presents to Challenger the completed assistive device or modified hardware

5 Where We Do It: QL+ Headquarters is in McLean, Virginia
Dedicated QL+ Laboratories or ”Maker Spaces” are located on-campus at Cal Poly and the Colorado School of Mines Other programs are at Virginia Tech, the University of Dayton, Xavier University, and the University of California at San Diego Future programs include University of Colorado-Boulder

6 What We Need: Your Challengers and Challenges
Increased Awareness and Promotion Donor sources and grants

7 The Quality of Life Plus Program
6748 Old McLean Village Drive McLean, VA 22101 Court Allen Program Manager – Rocky Mountain Region

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