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Presented by… Patrick Curtin James Dieteman Christopher Sanford

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by… Patrick Curtin James Dieteman Christopher Sanford"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by… Patrick Curtin James Dieteman Christopher Sanford
The AGP Slot Presented by… Patrick Curtin James Dieteman Christopher Sanford 1

2 History of the AGP Slot Developed by Intel
Began twice as fast as previously used PCI slot First released in 1997 PCI cards are still available, but AGP is the current standard 2

3 What the AGP Slot Does Specifically designed for 3D video acceleration and video playback Communicates directly with processor and main memory Has access to main memory 3

4 How the AGP Slot Works Transfers data on both the rising and falling edges of a clock pulse No need to pre-cache data into the card’s local memory Accesses main memory using both pipelining and sideband addressing 4

5 Evolution of the AGP Slot
Mode Clock Rate Transfer Rate 1x 66 MHz 266 MB/s 2x 133 MHz 533 MB/s 4x 266 MHz 1066 MB/s 8x 533 MHz 2133 MB/s 5

6 End of the AGP Slot? 8x is the last AGP improvement
Intel plans to phase the AGP slot out starting in 2005 To be replaced by “PCI Express” 6

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The End Presentation brought to you by… James Dieteman Patrick Curtin Christopher Sanford 7

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