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Robyn Bowen Health and Wellness Professional HW499

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1 Robyn Bowen Health and Wellness Professional HW499
LECTURE 2 Aromatherapy Robyn Bowen Health and Wellness Professional HW499

2 What is Aromatherapy French Chemist “Rene- Maurice Gattefosse” coined the phrase aromatherapy in 1937 Aromatherapy - The use of essential oils for therapeutic and holistic healing Used to balance the body, mind and spirit (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, n.d.) Rene- Maurice Gattefosse was said to be working in his laboratory and had an explosion. He then dipped his hands in lavender oil without thinking and stopped the damage to his skin from the burns he received by the chemical explosion.

3 History of Using Oils for Healing
Essential oils were discover in the pyramids in clay pots. Biblically, used for anointing and healing in the Torah. Used in Chinese for healing, 300 different plants used for healing in the “Pen T’Sao around 2500BC. (Modern essentials: A contemporary guide to the therapeutic use of essential oils, 2012) It is amazing how far back the essential oils have been used medicinally and personal hygiene.

4 History of Essential Oils
Used in Rome for bathing and scenting just about everything. The Greeks used the oils for perfumery. This was a learned practice from the Egyptians. Other parts of the world that used oils historically is Arabia and Europe. (Modern essentials: A contemporary guide to the therapeutic use of essential oils, 2012) These Frankincense was traded from Arabia in 500BC. This route became known as the “Frankincense Trail”.

5 Individuals Who Helped Promote the Use of Oils
Jean Valnet Robert Tisserand Madame Marguerite Maury Jean Valnet - A medical doctor who during WW2 used essential oils to treat soldiers. He used essential oils because modern medication had many side effects and compromised the immune system. Robert Tisserand – He edited Gattefosse’s Aromatherapy book in the 1990’s. He said this book was the missing proof of Aromatherapies necessity in the 20th century. (Modern essentials: A contemporary guide to the therapeutic use of essential oils, 2012) Madame Marguerite Maury was the pioneer is promoting the use of carrier oils to properly dilute essential oils because of there strength and used this diluted oil in massage (Essante Organics, n.d.).

6 What are Essential Oils (Volatile Oils)
Oil that is extracted from plant bark, seeds, roots, fruit and flowers These parts are then steam distilled to get the purest oil. Volatile because they are heat and light sensitive Contain over 800 different chemical constituents and only 200 have been identified. (Modern essentials: A contemporary guide to the therapeutic use of essential oils, 2012) Essential oils can be extracted from the whole plant. Fruit oils are usually extracted from the peel (orange, lemon, grapefruit). Personally, I use lemon oil in water to get all the benefits without the acid.

7 Essential Oils What are Sesquiterpenes? Why are they so costly?
Takes a lot to make a small amount Harvesting requirements (Modern essentials: A contemporary guide to the therapeutic use of essential oils, 2012) The chemical constituent sesquiterpenes found in certain oils like frankincense passes the blood-brain barrier They are usually costly because it takes so thousands of pounds of plant matter to make 1 pound of oil. Also, the plant matter needs to sometimes be picked by hand and at certain times of the day to get the best and strongest oil. (Modern essentials: A contemporary guide to the therapeutic use of essential oils, 2012)

8 Ways to Apply Essential Oils
Massage Contact points Diffuser Massage – Oils have been used to help with muscles and skin. Oils are rubbed into skin usually in conjunction with a carrier oil like coconut. Can be applied to ears, back of neck, bottoms of feet all to allow the body to absorb the oil directly into contact points. This type of application is called reflexology. The oils can help remove any blocks in the pathway of specific organs. Diffuser – Various oils can be diffused into a room. Discussing can be used as an antibacterial, anti viral, mood enhancer and a room fragrance.

9 Applying Oils to the skin
Neet Carrier oil Usually essential oils need to be mixed with a carrier oil like coconut. This is because the oil can it=rritate the skin if applied directly or neet. Some oils are made to apply directly like lavender. Be sure to research before using certain oils to avoid irritation.

10 Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils
Pure – Organic Safe to ingest Safe for skin Oils that are extracted from organic, GMO free, pesticide free plants. Certain oils are safe to ingest (after checking with your primary care physician). Oils that are safe to apply to your skin and will not inject unsafe chemicals

11 Questions and Answers What does neet mean?
What is the difference between and essential oil and a volatile oil? Can you ingest essential oils? What are therapeutic grade oils? Applied directly to skin 2. no difference 3. Certain oils and make sure they are therapeutic grade. 4. Oils that have not been processed with chemicals and come from all natural means. Preferably organic which would mean they are also free from fertilizers, herbicides and non GMO.

12 Handout You have a handout that explains a recipe for “thieves oil”. You can purchase the oils online or at a natural food store. Be sure to get therapeutic grade or organic. Description: This oil was supposedly used by thieves to prevent them from getting the black plaque during the 1300’s. This oil has antibacterial and anti viral properties Can be applied to the skin with a carrier oil Can be diffused to purify the air especially during sickness Can be sprayed on surfaces to kill household germs without the harsh chemicals

13 References Assante Organics (n.d.). History of Essential Oils. Retrieved from Modern essentials: A contemporary guide to the therapeutic use of essential oils (4th ed.).(2012). Orema, UT: Aroma Tools. National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (n.d.) Exploring Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is an incredibly vast and rich field. Retrieved from aromatherapy/about-aromatherapy/what-is-aromatherapy/. Picture Retrieved from Picture Retrieved from uljima. Picture Retrieved from Picture Retrieved from Picture Retrieved from natural-first-aid-kit. Picture Retrieved from

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