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121 Prospective member countries

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1 121 Prospective member countries
65 Signatory countries 35 countries ratified


3 Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Hon’ble President of France and Head of States at the ISA Founding Conference

4 Mobilization of US$ 1000 Billion Preparation of Bankable Projects
Three Goals of ISA ISA Mobilization of US$ 1000 Billion Preparation of Bankable Projects I-STAR-C

5 Assistance to member countries to prepare bankable projects
Projects and Programmes to harmonise and aggregate demand & reduce cost of finance & technology Scaling solar applications for agricultural use De-centralized solar applications in rural settings Applications: Solar Water Pumping (SWPS), Solar Drinking Water, SHS, Solar Streetlights, Solar Driers, etc. Affordable Finance at scale To strive mobilizing low cost capital, for large solar project portfolios, developing common credit enhancement mechanism to de risk these portfolios, developing common contractual documents and best practices in finance, organising multi stake holders RE INVEST meets etc. Scaling Solar Mini-grids To cater the energy needs of ISA member states in unidentified areas with unreliable or no grids, and in island member states with abundant potential to tap solar energy Scaling Solar Rooftops To promote, access potential, harmonize demand and pool resources for rapid deployment of and scaling up of Rooftop Solar (Off Grid and Grid Connected) Scaling Solar E-Mobility & Storage* Aims at promoting, assessing potential, harmonizing demand and pooling resources for rapid deployment of and scaling up solar e-Mobility & associated Storage infrastructure (in urban and rural areas)

6 I-Solar Technology Application Resource –Center (STAR-C)
I-Solar Technology Application and Resource Center (STAR-C) Solar Centres of Excellence / Global Excellence Solar Innovation R&D networking Capacity Building (e-learning programmes Solar Technologies Partners World Bank ADB, AFD EIB, EBRD UNDP IGNOU University of Fiji, Schneider Electric, CEA/INES, NISE, UNSW Sydney Amity University NREL, BIS ECREEE,SE4All, Pacific Island Development Forum etc.. Miscellaneous Testing, Certification, Quality control, Standards

7 ISA : Capacity Building Programme
Training of Master Trainers for Solar Mechanics 10 unemployed youth engineers in ISA country First batch will come to India for 6 months and NISE India will look after the training program and they will be trained as Master Trainers Once they go back they can train more professions in their home country and support the Solar Centre in their country They will provide the support system to the solar sector and will create trained skilled manpower force and also the employment to look after post maintenance. It also facilitates investments because banks feel more comfortable to invest if there is a system for post maintenance of the the assets. ISA Solar Fellowships for “Midcareer Professionals” The ISA Fellowships for Midcareer professionals for the ISA member countries intends to propose fellowships to midcareer professionals to enable them to augment their knowledge in the field of solar technology, its management and economics. The will contribute for developmental and long term capacity building needs of member countries by providing highly knowledgeable and qualified professionals for management of solar energy programmes. They will contribute to policy development for solar programmes thereby contribute to achieve objectives of ISA. ISA Experts without Borders – Equinox Circle ISA Secretariat proposes to enlist/empanel experts from 121 prospective Member countries (both North-South and South-South cooperation envisaged) to support its various programs, which have been launched or are in the process of being launched, with an objective to achieve rapid and mass deployment of solar energy

8 ISA Digital Info-pedia Platform
To support ISA to establish and maintain Digital Infopedia Platform that will enable Ministers, Policy Makers, and Corporate Leaders of 121 countries to mutually connect and communicate The interactive part of the ISA digital infopedia platform based on Skype for Business was launched by Ms. Isabelle Kocher Chairperson, Terrawatt Initiative (TWI) on 18th May 2017 at the time of launch of CRRM study at New Delhi. ISA Digital Infopedia Platform to connect, communicate and collaborate 121 Member Country Counters for promotion of Investments Member Countries and ISA Secretariat Audio & Video Interaction 1000 Solar Energy Best Practices Audio Visuals At least 1000 Best Practices A&V by Corporates / Manufacturers and Countries Analytical Tool for Analysis Mobile Integration Regular Interaction between Member Countries and Interim Secretariat (NFPs and Country Representatives) for programmes of ISA and other issues Analytical Tool for Analysis Countries pitch on why to invest in Solar in their respective countries Corporates / Manufacturers to Interact Analytical Tool for Analysis

9 ISA Partner’s ISA have Joint Declarations with Partner Organisations to promote solar energy globally

10 Corporate Partner’s of ISA
US$ 1 million US$ 1 million US$ 1 million US$ 2 million US$ 1 million US$ 1 million US$ 1 million Corporate Partner’s made voluntary contributions towards the ISA corpus fund

11 Expectations from Members/ Partners
Roadmap for Mobilisation of US$ 1000 billion More Corporate participation in Corpus Formation Development of Innovative Financial Mechanism in ISA countries (credit risk guarantee fund, first loss facility, hedging mechanism, security payment etc. to leverage investment from the Private Sector) Development of green bonds in local currency for solar projects in ISA member countries To Participate in the Establishment of Common Risk Mitigation Mechanism (CRMM) to help de-risk investments and reduce the cost financing Support in the establishment of I STAR-C Preparation of Bankable Projects

12 ISA Headquarters Building –design ( Proposed)

13 For further details please visit ISA website:
Thank You For further details please visit ISA website:

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