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Small Female Skull By Mei-ann and Becky.

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Presentation on theme: "Small Female Skull By Mei-ann and Becky."— Presentation transcript:

1 Small Female Skull By Mei-ann and Becky

2 Key themes Life* Death* Immortality Regret Past life* Memories* Fragility of life *= Common themes in Duffy’s poems

3 Skulls Small female skull
Carol Ann-Duffy never exactly mentions what the skull in the poem is from. She only refers to the skull as “a friend of mine” in the last stanza which still keeps her true identity a secret. Do you think this is important? What does “Small female skull” make you think of? Vulnerable Death Small female skull Delicate Preserved Miniature Fragile

4 Different representations of skulls
What do these skulls represent to you? Think of 3 different words for each of these skulls c c c

5 Ocarina= A metal egg shaped instrument with holes in
1) Balance- Suggests the skull is delicate and small in size. She is trying to take good care of the skull 2) The use of questions shows where Duffy is curious about the appearance of the skull, which could prove she is unaware of what it resembles With some surprise, I balance my small female skull in my hands (1) What is it like? An ocarina?(2) Blow in it’s eye(3). It cannot cry, holds my breath only as long as I exhale (5), mildly alarmed now, into the hole where the nose was, press my ear to it’s grin. A vanishing sigh(4) 6) Commas- Demonstrate the slowing of the breathing before the persons death. A vanishing sigh symbolises the death; finality 3) Blowing in it’s eye demonstrates how it can still make sound- She tries to put the breath back into it and give it sound (of breathing perhaps?) 4) Vanishing sigh- Vanishing suggests it was present at some stage but not it is gone: Emphasises the loss of life. 5) Her breath is what is keeping the skull alive- It now can only live through her Ocarina= A metal egg shaped instrument with holes in

6 3) Fear of the idea of death
3) Fear of the idea of death. Disturbed at the lightness of the skull and now worried about the power she has over it, for example fear of breaking it due to the fact its fragile 2) Body language- Regret: Did she have something to do with the death? Upset: Did she know them? 1) Setting of toilet- Allows for privacy. It’s quiet For some time, I sit on the lavatory seat(1) with my head in my hands(1), appalled. It feels much lighter than I’d thought; the weight of a deck of cards, a slim volume of verse, but with something else, as though it could levitate. Disturbing(2). So why do I kiss it on the brow(3), my warm lips to its papery bone(4), 5) Papery bone- Paper is weak and bone is strong. The materials juxtapose each. Opposites of hard and weak of the paper and bone highlight the difference between Duffy and the skull (life and death) 4) Kiss- Symbolises closeness with the person or mixed emotions, final goodbye. Gentle action to show care 6) No question is asked on the last line- She did not need to question what she was doing as the action felt right to her

7 and take it to the mirror to ask for a gottle of geer?(1)
1) The ‘g’- Replaces ‘b’ due to the fact the skull would not be able to pronounce b’s without lips. Shows how the reality has changed and how life has been taken away 2) Firstborn- Hyphens mean it is an isolated word. Could suggest it is a baby which died and she is holding the skull, may be her first child? It also physically demonstrates how she is separated from the mysterious dead person 3&4) Sheer- Means “completely right” to prove she now changes her mind due to the fact its left a scar which symbolises pain. It could also class as a permanent reminder and take it to the mirror to ask for a gottle of geer?(1) I rinse it under the tap, watch dust run away, like sand from a swimming-cap, then dry it – firstborn –(2) gently with a towel. I see the scar(3) where I fell for sheer (4)love down treacherous stairs(5), and read that shattering(6) day like braille(7). 5) Stairs- Metaphorically could represent the ups and downs of life. She was at a high point in her life with the love- She fell down the stairs which caused the pain. “Treacherous” suggests betrayal and danger 6) Shattering- Sounds onomatopoeic to emphasise the damage. It broke her and made her feel different in herself; life changing 7) Braille- Way of communication through touch. Desires old physical contact, misses the communication between them both “s”- Soft sibilance demonstrates regret and upset

8 Love(1), I murmur to my skull(2), then, louder, other grand words,
1) Love- The thing linking the life and death, Duffy still displays love for this dead person even though they are gone 2) Murmur to my skull- “M”s show hint of aggression. ‘My’ is a possession. ‘Murmur’ demonstrates privacy; almost secretive. Love(1), I murmur to my skull(2), then, louder, other grand words, shouting the hollow nouns in a white – tiled room. Downstairs they will think I have lost my mind. No. I only weep Into these two holes here(3), or I’m grinning back at the joke, this is a friend of mine(4). See, I hold her face in trembling, passionate hands(5). 5) Trembling, passionate- Fear of dropping the skull; she now has control over it. Passionate about the memories and preservation of the links between life and death 3) Two holes- The hollow places of the eyes; they cannot see her pain but Duffy can still share the pain with the skull 4) A friend of mine- Never known identity, they were somehow close when the person was alive

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