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Early Childhood Higher Education Program Enhancement Institute

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2 Early Childhood Higher Education Program Enhancement Institute
Tacoma Community College October 2, 2015 8:30am – 4:00pm

3 Welcome and Introductions
Name Institution(s) One essential capability for early childhood graduates of the future

4 Our goal Agenda/objectives What’s in packet This Not this

5 Schedule Work Eat and work

6 Questions

7 Background - Crosswalks

8 Essential Frameworks Evidence-based practices
Culturally and linguistically responsive approaches Effective professional development

9 Tacoma Community College

10 Essential Frameworks Evidence-based practices Inclusion
Developmentally appropriate practice Effective professional development

11 Evidence-Based Practices
Evidence-based practice is a decision-making process that integrates the best available research evidence with family and professional wisdom and values. (Buysse & Wesley, 2006; Buysse, Wesley, Snyder, & Winton, 2006)

12 Inclusion Inclusion Access Participation Supports

13 Supporting Change and Reform in Preservice Teaching in North Carolina
Access The first feature is access. Providing access to a wide range of learning opportunities, activities, settings, and environments is a defining feature of high quality inclusion in early childhood. SCRIPT-NC Supporting Change and Reform in Preservice Teaching in North Carolina

14 Supporting Change and Reform in Preservice Teaching in North Carolina
Participation The second feature is participation. Even if environments and programs are designed to facilitate access, some children may need additional individualized accommodations and supports to participate fully in early learning experiences. Adults promote belonging, participation, and engagement for children with and without disabilities in a variety of intentional ways. Not only do young children need supports; but in order for inclusion to be successful, there must be an infrastructure of supports for the adults who work with the children. SCRIPT-NC Supporting Change and Reform in Preservice Teaching in North Carolina

15 Supporting Change and Reform in Preservice Teaching in North Carolina
Supports The third defining feature is supports. In order for inclusion to work in community settings such as classrooms and homes, certain systems-level supports must be in place. These supports include: professional development to ensure that practitioners and families have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to implement inclusive practices resources and policies to promote opportunities for communication and collaboration among professionals and families structures in place to help integrate and coordinate special services with general early childhood services and standards that address program quality and professional competencies So, you have heard the definition of inclusion. For more information contained in the position statement go to the link on the resources and references slide at the end of this presentation. SCRIPT-NC Supporting Change and Reform in Preservice Teaching in North Carolina

16 Developmentally Appropriate Practice

17 Effective Professional Development
Knowledge acquisition + application




21 Phase 1: Values Clarification
Identify partners Establish values and vision

22 Identifying Partners

23 Clarifying a Vision Identify the knowledge, skills, and dispositions you want your graduates to have when they leave your program

24 Graduate of the Future

25 Course Deconstruction in Progress

26 What’s the context/gist for this course?
Who takes the course? Where does it fall in your sequence? What are the major concepts you want students to take away? What values do you want to underscore?

27 Non-negotiables? Course number and title Course description
Student learning outcomes/objectives

28 Instructional Sequence
1 2 3

29 Check your assignments

30 Check your assignment alignment

31 Reconstruction

32 Phase 3. Program Deconstruction/Reconstruction
Field experiences Overall program alignment

33 The wisdom of your peers
What has the process been like for your program? What difference has it made for faculty? For students? What advice would you give someone who is embarking on the program enhancement process?

34 Resources to support the process

35 What will you do next?

36 Please complete the evaluation and leave it on your table.
THANK YOU! Please complete the evaluation and leave it on your table. 36

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