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DNA Technology & Genomics

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1 DNA Technology & Genomics
Started in 1970s The transfer of specific genes (segment of DNA) from one species to another.

2 Synonymous Terminology
Recombinant DNA technology Genetic modification/manipulation (GM) Bio technology Gene splicing

3 Recombinant DNA DNA in which genes from 2 different sources are linked

4 Genetic engineering Direct manipulation of genes for practical purposes

5 Biotechnology Manipulation of organisms or their components to perform practical tasks or provide useful products

6 How do we get the gene from species A to species B?
A vector is used to carry the gene into the host nucleus.

7 What are vectors commonly used in GE?
Plasmid (of bacteria) Viruses Shotgun technique (blindly shoots tiny particles coated with the gene into the host cells)

8 DNA Cloning   Restriction enzymes (endonucleases):
in nature, these enzymes protect bacteria from intruding DNA they cut up DNA at specific sequences (restriction site) Ex. EcoR1, BamHI, HindIII Restriction fragments: segments created by the cutting of DNA with restriction enzymes Sticky end: short extensions of exposed nucleotides from restriction fragments DNA ligase: enzyme that can join the sticky ends of DNA fragments

9 Bacterial plasmids in gene cloning

10 Steps for eukaryotic gene cloning
Steps for eukaryotic gene cloning Isolation of cloning vector (bacterial plasmid) & gene-source DNA (gene of interest) using the same restriction enzyme Insertion of gene-source DNA into the cloning vector with DNA ligase Induce transformation of E. coli E. coli reproduces rapidly cloning of cells (and foreign genes) Identification of cell clones carrying the gene of interest

11 How do I know which bacteria will have the plasmid?
Use a plasmid that codes for antibiotic resistance (R plasmid) Add specific antibiotics to the agar (growth) culture All those bacteria which do not have the plasmid will die Only those with the recombinant plasmids can grow and multiply

12 How do we know the gene made it onto the plasmid?
Insert in the middle of a gene with a known phenotype If the phenotype of that gene is interrupted then “great success” Example: pUC19 plasmid has the lacZ gene that turns X-Gal blue when expressed Proper insertion = not blue

13 DNA Analysis & Genomics
PCR (polymerase chain reaction) Gel electrophoresis Restriction fragment analysis (RFLPs) Southern blotting DNA sequencing Human genome project

14 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Amplification of any piece of DNA without cells (in vitro) Materials: Heat DNA polymerase Nucleotides DNA primers Applications: Cloning genes Analysis of ancient DNA Prenatal diagnosis Genetic fingerprinting Forensics Paternity testing

15 (PCR) Steps Heating : heating to 94-98°C disrupts the hydrogen bonds between complementary nitrogenous bases, yielding single strands of DNA. Priming : lowered to 50-65°C allowing annealing of the primers to the single-stranded DNA template. Copying : Heat stable DNA polymerase added along with supply of all four nucleotides, copies rest of fragment as in DNA replication. Repeating the cycle : Each cycle doubles amount of DNA after twenty cycles one fragment = more than one million

16 DNA Analysis Gel electrophoresis: separates nucleic acids or proteins on the basis of size or electrical charge creating DNA bands of the same length Small fragments travel further through the gel faster than longer fragments Creates a DNA Fingerprint

17 Restriction fragment analysis
Restriction fragment analysis Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) Each individuals DNA has a unique sequence with specific restriction sites causing unique fragment lengths DNA Fingerprinting

18 O.J. Simpson capital murder case,1/95-9/95
Odds of blood in Ford Bronco not being R. Goldman’s: 6.5 billion to 1 Odds of blood on socks in bedroom not being N. Brown-Simpson’s: 8.5 billion to 1 Odds of blood on glove not being from R. Goldman, N. Brown-Simpson, and O.J. Simpson: 21.5 billion to 1 Number of people on planet earth: 6.1 billion Odds of being struck by lightning in the U.S.: 2.8 million to 1 Odds of winning the Illinois Big Game lottery: 76 million to 1 Odds of getting killed driving to the gas station to buy a lottery ticket 4.5 million to 1 Odds of seeing 3 albino deer at the same time: 85 million to 1 Odds of having quintuplets: Odds of being struck by a meteorite: 10 trillion to 1

19 Finding the Gene of Interest
Finding the Gene of Interest Southern blot technique Fragments spread apart by electrophoresis Gel blotted with nitrocellulose, DNA transfers to sheet Radioactive probe poured onto nitrocellulose sheet Only fragments with proper gene hybridize with probe

20 DNA Sequencing Determination of nucleotide sequences
DNA Sequencing Determination of nucleotide sequences Genomics: the study of genomes based on DNA sequences Human Genome Project Sequencing of the entire human genome

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