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Energy It’s many types:.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy It’s many types:."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy It’s many types:

2 What is Energy? Energy is the ability to do work!!!

3 What are the different types?
Mechanical energy: Energy of motion that can do work, like wind turning a windmill, waterfalls, and tides. Mechanical energy is when kinetic and potential energy work together in a system to cause movement!

4 Types of energy cont. Heat energy (thermal ): Where motion or rise in temperature is caused by heat, like a fire in a fireplace, due to the effect of moving molecules.

5 Types of energy cont. Chemical energy: Is the chemical reaction causing changes; food, fuel, explosives all store chemical energy. This energy can be converted into other forms of energy like heat and light

6 Types of energy cont. Electrical Energy: This is when motion, light, or heat is produced by an electrical current like the electric coils in your stove. It is really the effect of moving electrical charges (electrons) from one point to another through a conductor called a circuit. Electricity = moving electrons

7 Types of energy cont. Gravitational energy: This is where motion, like water going over a dam, is caused by the pull of gravity.

8 Types of energy cont. Light energy: This type of energy is a type of wave motion, meaning that light is a form of energy caused by light waves. It enables us to see, as objects are only visible when they reflect light into our eyes. Ex. Radio and micro waves, gamma and x-rays

9 Types of energy cont. Sound energy: This is also a type of wave motion. We are heard by others when we talk because of the sound energy we produce. This is due to the effect of the air molecules vibrating when we talk. The vibrating molecules hit our eardrums, which allow us to hear others talk.

10 Types of energy cont. Nuclear Energy: Also called Atomic Energy. This energy is stored in the nucleus of an atom. Can be used to generate electricity in nuclear power plants, produce steam for driving machines, powering some submarines and spacecrafts. It is also the source of the sun’s energy…when the sun combines the nuclei of hyrogen atoms into helium atoms in a process called fusion.

11 Energy conversions: When energy is used, it’s changed from one form to another. During any energy conversion, the amount of energy input is the same as the energy output. This is known as the law of conservation of energy.

12 The law states: Energy cannot be created or destroyed BUT can be CHANGED from one form to another.

13 Example: When we turn on a flashlight…. The chemical energy stored in the batteries is changed ( converted ) into light energy. When we turn on the t.v……electrical energy changes into light energy and sound energy. Even though undesirable, some amount of heat is also produced.

14 When we move a vehicle….the engine converts the chemical energy stored in the fuel as heat, sound and kinetic energy, although the heat and the sound that are produced are not desirable.

15 We are greatly dependent upon energy.
We have several forms of natural energy to help us live productively here on earth. It is up to us to learn how to use the different forms of energy in creative ways.

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