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Use a ruler to underline your title

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1 Use a ruler to underline your title
It is a PCSA expectation that you always underline titles and date work. 17 November, 2018 Eight Fold Path Use a ruler to underline your title Yr9 Ethics GTC Feb 2015 13/03/15

2 Finding True Happiness
The Buddha taught that in order to find true happiness and to end suffering, you have to find a middle way in life. This can be achieved by following each step of the Eight-fold

3 Buddhism The Eightfold Path

4 Right view 1 2 Right intention Right action 3 4 Right speech Right livelihood 5 6 Right effort Right mindfulness 7 8 Right concentration

5 Right View 1 Looking at the world in the correct way, understanding ourselves, nature and the way things work

6 Right Intention 2 Stopping yourself from doing and thinking things that make you act immorally

7 Acting in ways which would not bring harm to anyone or anything
Right Action 3 Acting in ways which would not bring harm to anyone or anything

8 Making sure you say things for good and not to hurt others
Right Speech 4 Making sure you say things for good and not to hurt others

9 Right Livelihood 5 To have a occupation which is fair and does not result in the harming of anyone or anything

10 Right Effort 6 To make a conscious attempt to rid themselves of bad thoughts, actions, speech etc.

11 Right Mindfulness 7 Be aware of what is going on around you and attempting to understand and decide what is right or wrong

12 Right Concentration 8 To train your mind to completely concentrate on one thing, ignoring things that distract us in everyday life

13 The Middle Way/Path One of the Buddha’s first teachings after becoming enlightened, was on The Middle Way This is taking a path in life which avoids extremes. In his life, Gautama gave up his possessions but realised giving up food and water was not beneficial

14 The Middle Way Gautama likened it to a stringed instrument – if its strung too tight it will be sharp, but strung too loose it will be flat. If you achieve the perfect balance the instrument will give a harmonious, beautiful sound

15 Task One Stick the ‘footprints’ in your book in the CENTRE of your page. Next to each step, write out and explain the step, accompanied by a small picture.

16 Right view 1 2 Right intention Right action 3 4 Right speech Right livelihood 5 6 Right effort Right mindfulness 7 8 Right concentration

17 The Eight-fold Path Right view Right intention Right action
Right speech Right livelihood Right effort Right mindfulness Right concentration


19 The Middle Way Right speech Draw a line across the page
Put ‘good way to act’ at one end and ‘extreme way to act’ at the other end Pick one of the 8 ‘paths’ (in this case speech) Write on the line ways to follow this path well and to an extreme Right speech Speaking respectfully and honestly Patronise, speak insincerely, swear, lie Good way to act Extreme way to act

20 Plenary Pick one of the steps of the eight-fold path. Write a ‘tweet’ (140 characters) to someone in the room explaining how and why they should follow that step.

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