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Bellwork: Give an example of a way culture is spread in today’s world.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork: Give an example of a way culture is spread in today’s world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork: Give an example of a way culture is spread in today’s world.
Bellwork 9/28 and 9/29 Bellwork: Give an example of a way culture is spread in today’s world.

2 Objectives 9/28-9/29 You will know information about Christianity and Buddhism and will be able to visually show how these belief systems spread along trade routes. Procedures: 1. Brief Notes on Christianity and Buddhism 2. Christianity Crash Course 3. Roads and Religion Infographics

3 Weeks of September 25, and October 2, and October 9
T 9/26/ W 9/27: India/Human Rights Essay #1 Due Th 9/28/ F 9/29: Trade Routes Ch. 8 Study Guide Due M 10/2/ Tu 10/3: Test Review W 10/4/ Th 10/5: Unit 1 and 2 Test, Unit 1 and 2 Binder Check F 10/6/ M 10/9: Introduction to Unit 3—Coming attractions and Silk Road Travelers Activity Tu 10/10/ W 10/11: PSAT on Wednesday/Really difficult history work Th 10/12/ F 10/13: Introduction to Islam

4 The Buddha 4 Noble Truths and eightfold path

5 Buddhism: 4 Noble Truths
Four noble truths All Life is suffering Suffering caused by desire One can be freed of desire Freed by following Eightfold path

6 Buddhism: Eightfold Path
Right views Right aspirations Right speech Right conduct Right livelihood Right endeavor Right mindfulness Right meditation

7 Jainism Founder Vardhamana Mahavira (the Great Hero) ~599 BCE
Based on an understanding of Karma, the soul, and Nirvana Nonbeing and Absolute Nonviolence towards all living things

8 The Greatest Extent of the Roman Empire – 14 CE

9 The Rise of Christianity

10 The Spread of Christianity


12 Christianity by John Green



15 Infographic Rubric Names: Creativity/Appearance ___/1
Relevant Data (at least 20)___/1 Effectively shows how roads helped religions diffuse ___/2 Total ____/4

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