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News Reports Vs. Editorials.

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Presentation on theme: "News Reports Vs. Editorials."— Presentation transcript:

1 News Reports Vs. Editorials

2 What are slanters? Meant to inform Objective in Tone
News Reports Editorials Meant to inform Objective in Tone Contains NO slanters Meant to persuade Subjective in Tone Contains slanters: What are slanters? Go to: pg. 195 for review

3 Can you tell a difference?
Read one news article and one editorial in the newspaper Can you tell a difference?

4 Revise your news article. Make sure it has NO slanters.
Do Now

5 How to Read an Editorial
p Question Your Response 1. According to the Headline, what will this editorial be about? What side is this author taking? 2. According to the Byline, what do you know about the author’s background and/or bias? 3. According to the first two paragraphs, what is the issue, and what side is the author on? 4. What is the other side? Who might think differently? 5. In the rest of the article, what are the two strongest pieces of evidence the author uses? 6. Did the author persuade you? Did the author address a counterargument? Is the author fair to the other side? 7. Underline any slanters you might see. How does this affect your opinion? 8. What would you respond to the author?

6 How to Write an editorial
Before You write Writing a draft RESEARCH your topic Get BOTH SIDES Think about the best way to persuade YOUR AUDIENCE Write your THESIS and main points. Have a HOOK Give some BACKGROUND and Context Make your POINT ADDRESS YOUR OPPONENT WRAP it up How to Write an editorial

7 Types of Persuasive Evidence
definition Illustrative Examples Hypothetical cases Analogies/Comparison Expert Testimony Statistics Causal relationships Short stories/anecdotes of personal or public experiences What if scenarios Showing how one thing is like or relates to something else Quotes from authorities Numbers Suggesting positive/negative outcomes Types of Persuasive Evidence

8 Homework Research your topic, and find some evidence for your side
Use the Planning Guide!

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