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July ETS/PTA TA Call July 13, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "July ETS/PTA TA Call July 13, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 July ETS/PTA TA Call July 13, 2017

2 Agenda ETS Research Parents & Teachers as Allies to ETS
Steps for PTA presenters & trainers Steps for state offices and affiliates Tipper Gore funding for expansion Q&A

3 ETS Research All data is collected (High School and Middle School)
High School data has been analyzed and: Total of 932 students (530 from ETS, 402 from Control) 55% were female and 42% male Less than half (47.5%) were White. 35% were Hispanic, 14% African American, and 7% Asian Knowledge and Attitudes changed for ETS classes but NOT for Control classes CONCLUSIONS NAMI Ending the Silence is effective in changing high school students’ knowledge and attitudes toward mental health conditions and toward help-seeking The effect is a robust one, occurring across different presenters, across different study schools, and across the diverse populations within those schools

4 PTA to ETS ETS ETS for School Staff (formerly PTA) ETS for Families
(formerly PTA an Adaptation for Parents – NAMI Dallas)

5 PTA to ETS Ending the Silence for School Staff
Updated Parents & Teachers as Allies PPT 2 presenters – lead presenter, young adult presenter School professional presenter is optional PTA booklets are optional (will still be mentioned in PPT) Will include an index card sized handout with warning signs, resources and a card that can be placed in classroom to show they are a trusted adult for students to approach Video component to presentation Online training

6 PTA to ETS Ending the Silence for Families
Updated Parents & Teachers as Allies: An Adaptation for Parents PPT 2 presenters – lead presenter, young adult presenter PTA booklets are optional (will still be mentioned in PPT) Will include an index card sized handout with warning signs and resources for families Video component to presentation Online training

7 Training What does this mean for our current trainers and presenters?
In-person trainings will be ETS for Students Manual will include slides, talking points and notes section for ETS for School Staff and ETS for Families Lead presenters to train for these PPTs online Looking to move to mainly online training of presenters Will still include an in-person practice with “coaches” Detailed training of “coaches” so proper feedback and approval is given to presenters What does this mean for our current trainers and presenters?

8 Current Trainers & Presenters
If you are a PTA trainer and/or presenter, it’s important that you have been reporting data – will make for a much smoother transition for you! PTA State Trainer – train online for ETS for Students, present 5 times = ETS for Students State Trainer No in-person practice needed if data shows you presented in the last school year PTA Presenter – train online for updated presentations for School Staff and Families (up to presenter if they want to also train for Students). Same for lead presenter and young adult. ETS lead presenter – train online if interested in School Staff and Families

9 Young Adult Presenters
Discussion around matching the flow of the updated In Our Own Voice training Introduction What Happened What Helped What’s Next Will need to take online training to update their presentation. In person practice will not be needed if data shows they have presented in the last school year.

10 State Offices & Affiliates
Keep doing what you are doing around Parents & Teachers as Allies, but be aware that these changes are coming (end of 2017/beginning of 2018) If you have a training, keep your presenters in the know REPORT YOUR DATA!!!! Parents & Teachers as Allies manuals will no longer be updated The program will not be recognized by NAMI after 2018.

11 ETS Expansion Grant THIS IS HUGE!!!
$1M through Tipper Gore Foundation over 3 years Expansion of ETS (all 3) to states that DO NOT currently have ETS Additional funding to help states that DO have ETS and want to expand to more affiliates Hoping to have first round of application process and selection late fall for states that DO NOT have ETS Supportive resources and marketing THIS IS HUGE!!!

12 Feeling Confused or Have Questions?
CONTACT ME! Jennifer Rothman


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