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Thesis Writing.

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1 Thesis Writing

2 Add to your notes… Your thesis statement should be specific—it should cover only what you will discuss in your paper and should be supported with specific evidence. The thesis statement usually appears at the end of the first paragraph of a paper. Your topic may change as you write, so you may need to revise your thesis statement as you write to reflect exactly what you have discussed in the paper. One clear, concise statement.

3 Example Thesis Statement Example
Example of an expository (explanatory) thesis statement: “The life of the typical college student is characterized by time spent studying, attending class, and socializing with peers.”

4 Directions: State if the following thesis is weak or strong. Why?
Example: Crime must be stopped.

5 Directions: State if the following thesis is weak or strong. Why?
Example: Crime must be stopped. Weak because it is a general statement.

6 Directions: State if the following thesis is weak or strong. Why?
Thesis: Charles Dickens is a good author.

7 Directions: State if the following thesis is weak or strong. Why?
Thesis: Charles Dickens uses the setting of his novels to emphasize the theme of class division.

8 Directions: State if the following thesis is weak or strong. Why?
Thesis: Socialism is the best form of government for Kenya because it will promote equal opportunity for workers.

9 Directions: State if the following thesis is weak or strong. Why?
Thesis: History is an important subject.

10 Directions: State if the following thesis is weak or strong. Why?
Thesis: Sigmund Freud is one of the greatest psychologists in medical history.

11 Directions: State if the following thesis is weak or strong. Why?
Thesis: Movies are becoming more and more daring in their subject matter.

12 Bad Thesis: Television commercials have an influence on children.
Directions: Carefully read the writing prompt and the Bad Thesis Statement. Then, rewrite a Good Thesis Statement. State the subject and tell the author’s purpose for writing or the point to be proved. Writing Prompt: Describe how television commercials influence children. Bad Thesis: Television commercials have an influence on children. Good: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

13 Writing Prompt: Explain why young people especially enjoy hobbies.
Directions: Carefully read the writing prompt and the Bad Thesis Statement. Then, rewrite a Good Thesis Statement. State the subject and tell the author’s purpose for writing or the point to be proved. Writing Prompt: Explain why young people especially enjoy hobbies. Bad: One hobby many young people especially enjoy is reading. Good: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

14 Writing Prompt: Discuss the benefits of playing team sports.
Directions: Carefully read the writing prompt and the Bad Thesis Statement. Then, rewrite a Good Thesis Statement. State the subject and tell the author’s purpose for writing or the point to be proved. Writing Prompt: Discuss the benefits of playing team sports. Bad: Playing team sports has many benefits. Good: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________



17 Before the bell… Be in your seat, backpack in the back, ready to go.
Today you will need… Essay Outline Pencil You will NOT need… Other notes Brainstorm Phone To talk

18 3rd, 4th, and 5th Period Staple your outline and rough draft together and turn in at the end of the period. Be sure your name is on it! Pre-AP Only The editing and revising activity is a guide for your rough draft. We are not actually completing this activity today. Please staple your outline, rough draft, and editing and revising activity together before you turn them in.

19 Editing and Revising Read through and check for capitalization.
First letter of each sentence. Are proper nouns capitalized?

20 Editing and Revising Read through and check for capitalization.
First letter of each sentence. Are proper nouns capitalized? Paragraphs Is each paragraph indented? Are there 5 paragraphs total?

21 Editing and Revising Read through and check for capitalization.
First letter of each sentence. Are proper nouns capitalized? Paragraphs Is each paragraph indented? Are their 5 paragraphs total? Punctuation Is there punctuation at the end of every sentence?

22 Editing and Revising Read through and check for capitalization.
First letter of each sentence. Are proper nouns capitalized? Paragraphs Is each paragraph indented? Are their 5 paragraphs total? Punctuation Is there punctuation at the end of every sentence? Underline transition words For example, In addition, Similarly, additionally, likewise, also, another example would be, etc.

23 Editing and Revising Read through and check for capitalization.
First letter of each sentence. Are proper nouns capitalized? Paragraphs Is each paragraph indented? Are their 5 paragraphs total? Punctuation Is there punctuation at the end of every sentence? Underline transition words For example, In addition, Similarly, additionally, likewise, also, another example would be, etc. Circle all the 1st and 2nd person words I, me, my, you, we, us, our, your, mine, etc.

24 Editing and Revising Separate Contractions Can’t to Can not
Read through and check for capitalization. First letter of each sentence. Are proper nouns capitalized? Paragraphs Is each paragraph indented? Are their 5 paragraphs total? Punctuation Is there punctuation at the end of every sentence? Underline transition words For example, In addition, Similarly, additionally, likewise, also, another example would be, etc. Circle all 3rd person words I, me, my, you, we, us, our, your, mine, etc. Separate Contractions Can’t to Can not Informal to formal

25 Editing and Revising Separate Contractions Delete VAGUE Words:
Read through and check for capitalization. First letter of each sentence. Are proper nouns capitalized? Paragraphs Is each paragraph indented? Are their 5 paragraphs total? Punctuation Is there punctuation at the end of every sentence? Underline transition words For example, In addition, Similarly, additionally, likewise, also, another example would be, etc. Circle all 3rd person words I, me, my, you, we, us, our, your, mine, etc. Separate Contractions Can’t to Can not Informal to formal Delete VAGUE Words: Stuff, things, very, much, many, a lot, some, etc.

26 Editing and Revising Separate Contractions Delete VAGUE Words:
Read through and check for capitalization. First letter of each sentence. Are proper nouns capitalized? Paragraphs Is each paragraph indented? Are their 5 paragraphs total? Punctuation Is there punctuation at the end of every sentence? Underline transition words For example, In addition, Similarly, additionally, likewise, also, another example would be, etc. Circle all 3rd person words I, me, my, you, we, us, our, your, mine, etc. Separate Contractions Can’t to Can not Informal to formal Delete VAGUE Words: Stuff, things, very, much, many, a lot, some, etc. Delete DEAD words: Get, got, gotten, getting, basically, obviously, like, literally (There will be a few instances where using them is okay)

27 Highlight… In one color of highlighter, highlight your THESIS and the RESTATED THESIS.

28 Highlight… In one color of highlighter, highlight your THESIS and the RESTATED THESIS. In a second color, highlight your TOPIC SENTENCES.

29 Highlight… In one color of highlighter, highlight your THESIS and the RESTATED THESIS. In a second color, highlight your TOPIC SENTENCES. In a third color, highlight your HOOK and CONCLUDING THOUGHTS/RESTATED HOOK.

30 12/8 Pre-AP Summative Essay
Using only your outline, please write a polished rough draft using the following prompt: Prompt: Write an essay explaining how fame and fortune changes an individual’s life. Once you have finished, number your pages, be sure your name is on it, and turn it in to the blue box (You need only submit your essay, not the outline). You may work on other assignments or read. This is a time writing assignment. This essay is due at the end of the period.

31 12/8 Summative Essay For this Summative Essay, you have two options… You may write a polished final draft of the formative essay you wrote last week. You may write a rough draft of the essay you outlined yesterday. OR At the top if your paper, be sure to write your name, number the pages, and write “rough draft” or “final draft.” Turn your essay in to the blue box; staple your essay to your outline. This is a timed writing assignment; your essay is due at the end of the period.

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