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Multi-Residential Lessons Learned: Communications & Engagement

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1 Multi-Residential Lessons Learned: Communications & Engagement
Charlotte Ueta Manager (A) Waste Management Planning City of Toronto MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

2 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Project Highlights Evaluated different communication and engagement methods in multi-residential buildings to improve diversion and reduce contamination Monitored success with waste audits and surveys Project was funded by the Continuous Improvement Fund We are also undertaking a multi-residential bin investigation project to address contamination where bins are being flagged and collected and billed as garbage MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

3 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Multi-Residential Statistics 4,200 Buildings (406,000 units) Diversion rate 28% Capture rates low Contamination rates high System-wide contamination at 25%-30% Costs +$4M, Revenue -$5.2M 45% 55% MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

4 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Ongoing Communication and Engagement Recycle Right Campaign Waste Wizard Promotion Multi-residential workshops 3Rs Ambassador Program Calendar Direct Mails Customer Service Group Recycle Right: Digital ads TV spots Cineplex movie theatre ads Newspaper ads Transit shelters Social media Direct mail with accompanying letter to all SF and MF households Contamination letter to PMs and owners Customer Service Group Inspect MR recycling bins Deliver presentations to building residents and schools (449 in 2016, 175 in 2017) Staff lobby displays Site visits to advise on best set out options MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

5 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Test Scenarios Community Group volunteers undertook monthly activities, such as: - Holiday recycling – sorting activity – 28 residents Compost interactive activity – 29 residents Children’s event – colouring and bingo Waste diversion guessing game – 43 residents HHW awareness workshop – 27 Recycle Arts & Crafts workshop – 33 residents Movie night followed by trivia – 27 residents MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

6 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Building Selection – 20 Sites Toronto has a chute closure policy which allows building owners and property managers to close their chutes as part of a diversion improvement program, if they are eligible and meet certain criteria. Garbage disposal then becomes as inconvenient as recycling and thereby provides a level playing field for diversion MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

7 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Project Steps MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

8 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Focus Group Findings Residents were aware of the green bin program by seeing posters in their buildings and some were aware of the program from living in single family houses in the past There was a high level of awareness of the program and participants did not feel there was a need for a name change Such a move would create confusion “Green Bin” meant composting of “food” and “kitchen waste,” no need for name change Residents were shown some photos of different types of engagement such as: lobby displays, posters and stickers, bulletin boards, activities (kids playing a recycling game), calendar and waste wizard Financial incentives came up as part of the discussion since one participant talked about a letter their condo had received from the City. Another resident also mentioned that his Coop had received a similar letter. MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

9 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Alternate Service Delivery Model Government decides and provides services Osborne and Gaebler’s – steering and rowing Government steers, anyone can row Inter-divisional cooperation Community-based partnerships and implementation MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

10 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Community Partners Worked with non-profit community based agencies that deliver a variety of programs and services Assessed community-based approach to improving waste diversion Lead Community Organizations worked tasked with facilitating a Resident/Tenant Group to promote waste reduction and diversion Used the City’s newly developed Tenant Engagement Guide SWMS staff provided training to the Lead Community Organizations SWMS provided education materials Resident Groups undertook monthly activities/events to educate residents on waste reduction Funding in the amount of $5000 per building plus 20% administrative fee for the Lead Community Organization Lead Community Group to monitor and track project MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

11 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Community Partners - Findings Finding the right buildings Getting agreements to participate Recycling is low on the list of priorities in some buildings – you need to be aware of the state of the building (re: performance) Delays due to personality conflicts (condo board vs. community group volunteers) PMs question giving authority to Ipsos for entering buildings Challenging buildings Getting timely information from community groups MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

12 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
New Promotion and Education MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

13 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Recycle Coach - Results Average score on recycling assessment 77.5% Top 5 incorrect items: aerosol can, coat hanger, pill blister packs, metal paint cans, photographs Working with Recycle Coach allowed us to test the effectiveness of an on-line learning platform and provided us with information on which method of communication worked best Recycle Coach learned quite a bit about their product, the users, and how to make changes to better address the issues of diversion and contamination for customers – Lack incentive to overcome sign up/retention barrier Lacks long term incentive Mobile strategy would drive higher usage Need to increase incentive for completing content, remove barriers for completing lessons Only 31% of users completed assessment Those that completed assessment scored an average of 77.5% 14% signed up to the recycle academy 21% of those who signed up completed lessons MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

14 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Waste Audit Results Community group and engagement buildings are all tower renewal program sites which are in neighbourhood revitalization areas MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

15 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Waste Audit Results 4 SEASON AUDIT RESULTS… one audit left to complete Rental buildings regardless of bin set-up appear to have the lowest diversion rates and highest contamination rates Generally speaking, the lowest performing (least amt of diversion) buildings also generated the highest amounts of waste per unit Public housing sites were not included in this study and they are most likely the most challenging sites to manage waste in Chute closure buildings – garbage is as inconvenient as recycling – better participation in diversion programs MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

16 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Qualitative Research Survey Results – Program Awareness Compared to the pre-pilot surveys, only one quarter of residents felt the amount of information about recycling in their buildings improved Despite seeing an improvement in information, fewer residents recall seeing information about recycling MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

17 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Qualitative Research Survey Results – Program Participation Residents indicate: recycling more Residents in Tenant Engagement Strategy likely to mention: recycling more Residents in other groups: mention recycling more in post-wave, however these differences not statistically significant. Compared to the pre-pilot surveys, residents say they are recycling more, with the greatest shift seen in the Tenant Engagement Strategy group Young adults recycle all items less frequently Women are more likely to recycle all items Home owners (condo vs. rental) are more likely to be satisfied with their recycling facilities compared to renters MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

18 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Qualitative Research Survey Results – Information Source This data corroborates our findings from the focus group research we did at the beginning of the project MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

19 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Project Learnings Project achievement Preliminary audit data indicates small improvements in some buildings Useful insights on types of communication and methods of delivery/impact drops off with time Is this approach a better or best practice? Based on effort to implement and monitor, minimal impact observed; recall of education tactics poor Ongoing education efforts key component to improve diversion and addressing contamination Addressing contamination issues in “tag and leave behind” project; will consolidate insights P&E must be ongoing/forever, impact of communication drops with time P&E alone – does not get the message out/not moving the dial It is hard to get results in the multi-res sector During the project in the second wave of Ipsos surveys a resident called in to say that the work we were doing on raising awareness on recycling was like “putting a band-aid on a paper cut when there was internal hemorrhaging going on in the building.” There are so many issues that residents were unhappy with in some of the buildings (repairs to laundry room, security, landscaping, cleanliness) that recycling was a low concern MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

20 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Project Learnings Advice Ongoing P&E that incorporates project insights to achieve behaviour change Low diversion rates at rental buildings and persistent contamination issues at other properties may provide business case for mixed waste processing at some sites Final Report: Available December 2018 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

21 MWA Spring Workshop May 2018
Charlotte Ueta Manager (A) Waste Management Planning MWA Spring Workshop May 2018

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