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Patients as Consumers Customers of Healthcare

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Presentation on theme: "Patients as Consumers Customers of Healthcare"— Presentation transcript:

1 Patients as Consumers Customers of Healthcare

2 What’s happening to healthcare …
What is moving us along this paradigm…

3 2017 Trends New…now fear of regulatory changes Retail clinics
ACA…and all its confusion and impacts Narrow networks Data and actually using it Extenders… Opportunity or Threat Practice Acquisitions How to prove quality Cyber security Telemedicine Private Equity entering healthcare space

4 Other Trends in Healthcare (just a few)
Network development (IPA, group practice without walls, supergroups) “Real” competition Consumerism Bundled Payments Downward pressure on reimbursement Commoditization of healthcare

5 Knowledge is power….only if you use it

6 Let’s tackle a few….first up

7 MACRA and Value-Based Care
CMS modifications and shift to value based care MIPS and APM Bundled Payment Arrangements ACO’s and Clinically Integrated Networks

8 Capitalism at its finest …other ways value can be used…

9 Employees are paying more…

10 Movement is occurring…

11 Movement is occurring …
Consumerism taking hold as enrollment in CDHPs jumps to 23% High deductibles are meant to give employees a financial incentive to shop more carefully for health services Cigna Spokesperson Joseph Mondy told Workforce. "Why? Because they work. CDHPs will cost you less as an employee and as an employer, but you'll see improvements in health outcomes. We have seven years of data to support that."

12 con·sum·er  n. One that consumes, especially one that acquires goods or services for direct use or ownership rather than for resale or use in production and manufacturing

13 Definition of a Customer
cus·tom·er noun \’kəs-tə-mər\ Definition of CUSTOMER 1: one that purchases a commodity or service 2: an individual usually having some specified distinctive trait <a real tough customer> Examples of CUSTOMER She is one of our best customers. She's a pretty cool customer. Origin of CUSTOMER Middle English custumer, from custume First Known Use: 15th century *

14 What is a customer? Advocate Apathetic Assassin
*Satisfaction: How Every Great Company Listens to the Voice of the Customer, 2006, Chris Denove and James D. Power IV

15 Why are customers important?
It costs 5 times as much to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one. (Source: 68% leave because they are upset with the treatment they’ve received. (Source: U.S. Small Business Administration)  On average, loyal customers are worth up to 10 times as much as their first purchase. (Source: White House Office of Consumer Affairs) 48% of customers who had a negative experience told 10 or more others. (Source: Harvard Business Review)

16 Why are customers important?
64% of customers cited shared values as the primary reason for a strong brand relationship. Source: Corporate Executive Board 68% quit because of the attitude of indifference toward the customer by the owner, manager or some employee. Source: Michael LeBoeuf, "How to Win Customers and Keep them for Life" 3 in 5 Americans (59%) would try a new brand or company for a better service experience. Source: American Express 89% of consumers began doing business with a competitor following a poor customer experience. Source: RightNow

17 Most important reason …
I believe that the customer pathway will drive quality and value at a faster pace than the government or employers can. Let’s explore my basis for this…


19 What do customers want? A novel question asked by other industries … does healthcare ask that question?

20 Healthcare is lagging. Healthcare Social Media Connectivity Travel
Real Estate Retail Finance Media

21 The Consumerism Beast

22 Agenda – A Few Customer Expectations
Telemedicine Easy, Simple Access Online Scheduling On time appointments – informed appointments Efficient patient portals – access to information Online reviews – Social Media Evolving Artificial Intelligence – Next Wave of Change?

23 Telemedicine

24 Speed and Convenience: Telemedicine

25 Telemedicine Usage and Preferences
64% 70% 67% of consumers would prefer an online video visit to a physical one in order to obtain a prescription of medical professionals are either using some form of telemedicine now, or are planning to in the coming years of Americans would be willing to have a video visit with a doctor Source: Centric Digital LLC 2015



28 Marketing Concepts Complementary Service – Enhancing what the practice has to offer Patient Engagement – Give them what they want Technology Edge Not consumer…CUSTOMER Market Threat: One of the many ways retail health clinics are gaining marketshare is through telemedicine--and family physicians must adopt the technology in order to remain competitive, according to a speaker at the American Academy of Family Physicians' (AAFP) recent State Legislative Conference. Source:

29 Easy Simple Access

30 Patients are demanding more convenient access to care.
Urgent Care Providers Retail Health Clinics Virtual Acute Care Providers 9,000 urgent care centers 1,743 retail health clinics >20 virtual acute care companies


32 Did you know that I text?

33 Is there a wait?

34 Okay…how does this work in healthcare?

35 Rethinking your front desk …

36 Use Technology Efficiently …

37 Online Reviews

38 Welcome to the new word of mouth

39 How many patients use online reviews?
According to a 2015 study conducted by Software Advice: A whopping 84% of patients surveyed use online review sites to evaluate physicians 59% report using online reviews “often” or “sometimes” Only 16% of patients report never using online review sites Source:

40 And there’s the millennial factor
Reports in Physicians Practice and Fierce Healthcare say … Millennials will be the most sought-after patients of the near future They will drive sweeping changes in healthcare More than half of millennials and Generation-Xers incorporate healthcare providers' online reviews into their shopping process If you’re a physician and you don’t show up in the first five results of a Google search, you might as well not exist with millennials Source:

41 Are patients ready for different …

42 Why do all of this … The landscape is changing fast! We have to keep up …

43 IBM Watson – Artificial Intelligence

44 Amazon

45 Keep it simple …

46 Jumping the curve …

47 Ideas for Retention … Why do you keep … ?
Why do you bank at…? Why do you eat at…? Why do you get your teeth cleaned at…? Why do you buy your groceries at…? Why do buy your books online? At a bookstore? What happened to the library? Where do you go for your mammogram? Where do you take your kids for a check up? Who does your hair? What church do you attend? Why?

48 Connect with us

49 Thank You Thank You MSOC Health Cameron M. Cox, III

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