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Baroclinic and barotropic annular modes

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1 Baroclinic and barotropic annular modes
Lina Boljka, Ted Shepherd and Mike Blackburn Unified Model Training Course, 12/4/2018

2 Contents Introduction Baroclinic vs barotropic
Barotropic & baroclinic annular modes Motivation Unified Model Held-Suarez Model Configuration Results Cross-spectra Conclusions

3 introduction

LINKED Baroclinic vs Barotropic Baroclinic instability Strong meridional temperature gradients Vertical wind shear important (d[u]/dz) Heat flux [v*θ*] important Growth of storm tracks cyclones Horizontal wind shear important (d[u]/dy) Uniform vertical structure Momentum flux [v*u*] important Decay of storm tracks cyclones Acceleration of zonal mean flow (jet stream) BAROCLINIC LIFE CYCLES (CYCLONE DEVELOPMENT)

5 Annular ModeS Name: from “annulus” (“a ring-shaped object - a region bounded by two concentric circles.’’) Are ‘’hemispheric scale patterns of climate variability’’ Internal mid-latitude dynamics cause them (not air-sea coupling etc.) Most important modes of variability in mid-high latitudes Explain 20-30% of variability in field

6 BAROTROPIC Annular Mode
Based on EOF of wind/geopotential/pressure fields We know Southern (SAM, Antarctic oscillation) and Northern (NAM, Arctic oscillation) annular modes Represent the jet shift poleward (positive phase)/equatorward (negative phase) Impact weather Timescale: 10 days Linked to Momentum flux Thompson and Woodworth (2014)

BAM: based on EOF of EKE Represents pulsing (variations in amplitude) of EKE rather than a shift  impacts to be determined Related to oscillator model, periods days Linked to heat flux EKE Thompson and Woodworth (2014)

8 (De)coupling of SAM & BAM
SAM & [v*u*] Thompson & Woodworth (2014) SAM only affected by momentum fluxes (weak heat flux signal) BAM only affected by heat fluxes (weak momentum flux signal) No correlation between SAM and BAM Baroclinic and barotropic modes of variability decoupled BAM & [v*θ*]

9 (De)coupling of SAM & BAM
Barotropic and baroclinic parts of the flow decoupled Counter-intuitive compared to the general perspective from baroclinic life cycles (cyclones) Baroclinic and barotropic responses linked through eddy growth and decay (momentum and heat fluxes linked) I aim to understand this paradox theoretically & through modelling/modes of variability

10 Unified Model

11 Held-Suarez (HS) Model
After Held & Suarez (1994) (use: Unified Model vn8.6) Resolution: 1.25o x 1.875o x 63 levels (32km top level) & daily output Run for 26 years + 4 years for spin-up Dry model – no moisture Very idealised: Usually perpetual conditions, e.g. equinox no seasonal cycle Imposed relaxation to equilibrium temperature Prescribed bottom friction No asymmetries (only synoptic eddies/cyclones) Results robust to more complex configurations

Height (m) FORCING CLIMATOLOGY Equillibrium Temperature latitude ZONAL MEAN WIND Height (m) Height (m) latitude latitude

13 HELD-Suarez & model hierarchies
Simple model no moisture, seasonal cycle, asymmetries Can add complexity (easily) Shaw et al. (2016)

14 results

15 Simplified EKE budget α, τ : constants
Motivated by decoupling between baroclinic & barotropic modes Model EKE using heat flux only & represent the rest as dissipation α, τ : constants Tendency Heat Flux Dissipation Thompson et al. (2017)

16 Cross-Spectrum ANALYSIS
Follow Lorenz and Hartmann (2001) Similar simplification for zonal momentum equation Use spectral analysis to test EKE relationship FFT EKE ω: angular frequency Heat Flux Im Re Boljka et al., JAS (2018)

17 Cross-Spectrum ANALYSIS
decoupling coupling EKE at 300mb Heat Flux at 850mb Average EKE & Heat Flux over a 20o latitude band & take zonal mean Plot imaginary and real parts of cross spectrum cross-spectrum INTERMEDIATE FREQUENCY SYNOPTIC TIMESCALE frequency (cycles/day) Period = 10 days Im Re Cross Spectrum Boljka et al., JAS (2018)

18 CONCLUSIONS 2 timescales of annular mode variability
Synoptic timescale baroclinic life cycles (~10 days) Cyclones; baroclinic & barotropic processes linked Intermediate frequency oscillator model (~20-30 days) Baroclinic & barotropic processes decoupled Implications: better understanding of climate variability e.g. impacts on precipitation patterns, subseasonal prediction etc. Unified Model can be used for hierarchies of models studies! Boljka et al., JAS (2018)

19 THANK YOU for YOUR attention! any Questions?
REFERENCES: Boljka, L., T. G. Shepherd and M. Blackburn, 2018: On the coupling between barotropic and baroclinic modes of extratropical atmospheric variability. J. Atmos. Sci., in press.

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