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Aurora Briefing for participants 2018 to 2019

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1 Aurora Briefing for participants 2018 to 2019

2 What this presentation covers:
An introduction to the Aurora Programme and its history Programme contents and design Information on the different programme components Instructions on how to find a Mentor Feedback from previous Keele participants

3 The Aurora Programme was designed to address the issue of reducing numbers of women in senior posts in HE* Leadership development is one way to encourage more women to apply for leadership roles* LFHE has a partnership approach with participating HEIs so that issues and challenges of leadership progression are recognised at institution level This is the sixth year of this valued programme that has been attended by 4,613 women from 171 institutions *LFHE Stimulus Paper/Prof L Morley/ Women and HE Leadership: Absences and Aspirations

4 Participants from Keele
Year One: Year Two: Year Three: 13 Year Four: Year Five:

5 What does Aurora cover? Understanding organisations and the sector
Developing leadership behaviour, skills and knowledge Identifying and overcoming barriers and obstacles Growing confidence and a leadership identity Building networks, coalitions and support processes

6 How does Aurora work? 4 one day conference style events
An Action Learning Set day Online link to pre-reading and resources A mentor from your own institution Self-managed network of Aurorans within participating institutions

7 Click on the link below to find out more about the conference days

8 As part of the Aurora programme you will be assigned an Action Learning Set. The following slides are a brief introduction to an Action Learning Set and how you can get the most from participating in a Set.

9 Features of effective action learning
Essentially the set is a peer coaching group – with some process rules All participants contribute and benefit – contribute to learning for others and learn through others and their issues and perspectives All benefit from perspectives, knowledge and experience of others Helps to develop skills of asking insightful questions, listening and reflection The most powerful outcome is enhanced clarity in thinking – leading to insight and identification of new options for action and development.


11 Success factors for Learning Sets
Good contracting Time is shared between all participants There is a clear and simple process that uses questions to help clarify thinking (but does not give advice or provide solutions) There is clarity of purpose and roles Participants are motivated and committed Facilitator acts as ‘learning coach’- keeps each session on track, to time and prevents deviation from the Action Learning Set process The Aurora team will provide you with more information about how the process works

12 As an integral part of the programme participants are encouraged to have a mentor from their own Institution

13 Finding a mentor Reflect on your potential areas for development through a mentoring relationship (following Aurora workshop one) Look for a mentor who can help you address the areas for development you have identified If you are unable to find a mentor then please fill out a Mentoring Application Form (on the OD website) and send this to the Organisational Development team The OD team will then help you to find a suitable mentor Guidance is provided for mentors and mentees on the OD website The mentoring relationship is Mentee driven The first meeting is exploratory and contracting – a pro forma for this meeting is on the website

14 Safe place to talk about confidential issues
Better awareness of strategic leadership within university What do past participants say about the programme? Could identify with some speakers more than others – but all were valuable Built confidence academic and professional staff working on issues together Hearing stories from other women All of those women together in one place… Safe place to talk about confidential issues Lots of practical things to try out… Having the space to think and try out strategies and techniques Networking within and beyond Keele Connecting with others with common experiences and sharing stories and solutions Reflecting on values and how these play out…recapturing the passion Action learning set was really valuable

15 Pre-promotion workshops
What would support aspirations beyond the programme? Pre-promotion workshops Opportunity to continue the Action Learning Sets Self-managed Keele network for Aurora participants Accessing developmental opportunities – an application process?

16 Enjoy the Aurora Programme

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