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Library Skills Ms. Herrell.

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Presentation on theme: "Library Skills Ms. Herrell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Skills Ms. Herrell

2 Guidelines for Success
Be Responsible Be Respectful Cooperate with Others Participate Try Your Best

3 Classroom Rules Always bring materials to class; going back to locker will be a Conduct Mark NO CHEWING GUM! (a conduct mark will be given) Only 2 Restroom Passes (conduct marks for each additional) You must have an Admit slip when you are absent

4 You are responsible for collecting missed work
No leaning back in your chairs Stay in Your Seat! (Get up when given permission)

5 Class Behaviors (OK) Sit quietly Raise your hand Stay in your seat
Sharpen your pencil before class begins Stay on task Always check your area for neatness Push in your chairs Wait for Ms. Herrell to dismiss class

6 Classroom Behaviors (Not Ok)
Getting out of your seat without permission Shouting out answers Sharpening your pencil during class without permission Getting off task Interacting with other classes Waving at people outside the windows

7 Computer Use (Ok) Computer Use (Not Ok) Wait to be dismissed
Follow the Acceptable Use Policy Use your username and password Log off when you are finished Computer Use (Not Ok) Not following the Acceptable Use Policy Not logging off

8 Turning in Classwork (Ok)
Classwork goes in folder Quizzes goes into the center of the table Turning in Classwork (Not Ok) Placing work in an inappropriate place Teacher’s desk Countertop Trash can

9 Conduct Chewing Gum -5 Disrespect -2 Forgotten Materials -2
Leaning back in chair -2 Not on task -2 Restroom Shouting Out -2 Talking without permission -2 Tardy

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