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Objectives Further discuss the Exam problems

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1 Objectives Further discuss the Exam problems
Learn how to design VAV systems Discuss the final project Cooling and heating Load calculation

2 VAV Example One system Multiple Spaces/Zones
- VAV box for each space/zone

3 VAV System Terms & Equations (you can find them in ASHRAE Standard 62)
Fraction of minimum outdoor air in space/zone supply air Xi = VOAi / VSAi Critical space Space with maximum Xi , Z=max(Xi) Fraction of outdoor air in system supply air X = sum(VOA ) / sum(VSA) Required Fraction of outdoor air: Y=X/(1+X-Z)

4 Example Solution Space1 Space 2 Space 3 Space 4 VSA VOA Xi X Z Y

5 Other Issues Related to VAV
Fan control Minimum supply air Occupancy sensors

6 DOAS System

7 Project Commercial building Zone orientation

8 Project Cooling and heating load for each zone and whole building:
Fresh air requirement based on number of occupants: To provide acceptable IAQ in the building, ventilation system supply minimal amount of fresh air is in all spaces (except plenums) that produce 0.2 ACH.

9 Cooling load calculation
Mostly computer based Handouts for manual calculation The most important issues

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