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American Romanticism 1800- 1860 Thoreau Longfellow Hawthorne P O E Walden.

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1 American Romanticism 1800- 1860
Thoreau Longfellow Hawthorne P O E Walden


3 Romanticism: a reaction to the Age of Reason
Idealism/Utopia Glorification of the common man Recognition of the nobility of the primitive Imagination to engender faith and hope Age of Reason Romanticism Realism Patrician Classicism Dominion over the Native American Logic, always facts to counter fear and doubt

4 Characteristics Intuition - intuition over fact
The Five I’s Imagination -imagination over reason and formal rules Intuition - intuition over fact Idealism - Optimistic period of invention, Manifest Destiny, abolition movement, and the “birth” of truly American literature Inspiration – creativity and nature Individuality- self discovery, self reliance, back to nature

5 The City was a Place of The Rationalists saw the city as a place of industry, success, self realization, and civilization. The Romantics saw the city as a place of poor work conditions, moral ambiguity, corruption, and death. The journey from the city to the country was part of Romanticism.

6 The Fireside Poets The Most Popular American Poets of Their Time
John Greenleaf Whittier, William Cullen Bryant, James Lowell, Oliver Wendell Holmes Their poems were often read aloud at the fireside as family entertainment. It is poetry that seeks a higher truth from the natural world. (also called the "schoolroom" or "household" poets)

7 Literature Folktales, regional writer Washington Irving
The Last of the Mohicans James Fennimore Cooper American novelists looked to westward expansion and the frontier for inspiration.

8 What is Gothic? Originally named for the German “goths.” Renaissance usage Architecture, focus on the medieval, death, decay 17th-18th century novel Themes/motifs: Castles, darkness, madness secrets, ghosts, mystery, haunted houses The Characters (stock characters): tyrants, villains, bandits, maniacs, Byronic heroes, persecuted maidens, femmes fatales, madwomen, magicians, vampires, werewolves, monsters, demons, revenants, ghosts, perambulating skeletons, and the Devil himself.

9 Romanticism ( ) Writers celebrated individualism, nature, imagination, creativity, and emotions. Interest in fantasy and supernatural Writing can usually be interpreted two ways—surface and in depth Writing is didactic—attempting to shape readers Good will triumph over evil. Strong focus on inner feelings Imagination prized over reason; intuition over fact Blossoming of short stories, novels, and poetry

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