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Disposition Concerns Assessment

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1 Disposition Concerns Assessment
Council for Teacher Education 10/17/17

2 Purpose of the Disposition Concerns Assessment
Expectations for all teacher candidates at ISU Documenting concerns ASAP Instructive/learning process for teacher candidate Purpose indicated on document “To the Teacher Candidate” (Handout: p.1)

3 Disposition Concerns Assessment Template
Handout: Disposition Concerns Assessment: February, version Disposition Indicators Documentation of behaviors & actions associated with indicators Areas not included in disposition indicators

4 Resolvable versus Unresolvable
Egregious behavior Resolvable versus Unresolvable Resolvable: What does the candidate need to do to resolve this disposition? Date to be completed Make sure teacher candidate knows what they did to resolve the disposition Author must contact Troy Hinkel upon resolving Will default to an “Unresolved Disposition” at due date Egregious behavior – a situation that warrants immediate attention/removal

5 Unresolvable Three unresolved disposition concerns assessments stops candidate progress in teacher education Certified letter to candidate’s permanent address Instructed to contact Director of Lauby Teacher Education Center Director reviews the CTE Appeal Process with the candidate

6 Writing and Submitting a Disposition Concerns Assessment
Using correct version of assessment (February, 2017). Per 10/17/17 CTE meeting new version to be posted: November 2017 Inserting “Assessment” after “Disposition Concerns” Identify the indicator(s) in question Include specific/detailed information as to how the teacher candidate has not met expectations Handout: p. 2: “Explanation of Concerns” Details, details, details (e.g. dates, times, examples, people involved, etc.) Writing for clarity

7 Is it Resolvable? Unresolvable?

8 Disposition Concerns Assessment Process
Detailed information provided in the assessment Meet with teacher candidate to review the disposition concerns Teacher candidate signs the disposition concerns assessment Purpose of the teacher candidate’s signature If sent electronically to the candidate, you still need an acknowledgement /signature Provide teacher candidate with copy of their disposition concerns assessment

9 Resolvable Disposition Concern
What is expected of the candidate to resolve the disposition? Date needed to resolve this situation Restate areas of concern on handout p. 4 Identify the plan to resolve this disposition concerns Notify Troy Hinkel by the specified date: Office of Clinical Experiences and Licensure Processes (CELP)

10 Areas of Concern with Some Disposition Concerns Submissions
Lacking detail Inappropriate information Not submitting a disposition concerns assessment at all

11 Examples: “Explanation of Concerns”
“Inability to complete major assignments in a timely and appropriate manner.” “Student is not demonstrating responsibility or reverence for learning. He has been late with course expectations, refused to participate in class and failed to complete an assignment on time.” “Lack of communication/Frequent absences/ missed major assignments”

12 Example: Detailed Information
“Teacher candidate was late on two occasions to his pre-student teaching clinical experience: September 6th (one hour late to site) and September 27th (1.5 hours late). Candidate did not notify CT or Professor as required. Cooperating teacher shared candidate has difficulty transitioning to next class in a timely manner, resulting in next class beginning at least 10 minutes late.”

13 Uncertain as to whether situation requires a disposition concerns assessment?
If you are asking the question, chances are there is a need for documentation of your concern(s). Need assistance? Contact Deb Garrahy

14 Questions?

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