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Agenda Socratic Seminar Critical thinking Rules review Discussion!

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Socratic Seminar Critical thinking Rules review Discussion!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Socratic Seminar Critical thinking Rules review Discussion!

2 Socratic Seminar Notes
Warm-Up Socratic Seminar Notes Is your name on your paper? Be sure to get evidence from all of the sources available Do you have any other ideas about the question that you might want to share?

3 Are animals intelligent, or do the rely on instinct?
Discussion Question Are animals intelligent, or do the rely on instinct?

4 Are animals intelligent, or do the rely on instinct?
How Smart are Animals? How Smart is Smart? P Do Animals Think? P Animal Snoops. Presenting: The Bird Brained Burglar Bust P The Hungry Spy: Spying and Prying Predators P. 121

5 Expectations Active Listener C Voice Level 0 H Raise Hand A Take Notes
M Stay in Seat P Listen and Respond Speaker C Voice Level 3 H Raise Hand A Present Argument M Stay in Seat P Be Prepared SUCCESS!

6 Socratic Seminar 101 Pg. 3 in English Spiral

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