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Creating Windows Store Apps Using Visual Basic

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1 Creating Windows Store Apps Using Visual Basic
Bill Burrows | UW Faculty Member & VB MVP Anthony D. Green | Program Manager, Microsoft

2 Meet Bill Burrows Senior Lecturer Emeritus – Foster Business School
University of Washington 30+ years teaching a variety of IT courses Published college textbooks on introductory programming concepts using Visual Basic Creator of tutorial web site Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic) Academic MVP VB MVP

3 Meet Anthony D Green Program Manager, Managed Languages (VB/C#/F#) team at Microsoft Currently Roslyn Project Visual Basic Team Member Software Consultant in Chicago WinForms, ASP.NET, WPF, Office, SQL Server, and Dynamics CRM Programming in various BASIC programming languages since age 14

4 Creating Windows Store Apps Using Visual Basic
Course Topics Creating Windows Store Apps Using Visual Basic 01 | Modern Design – Focus on Fast & Fluid 04 | State Management 02 | Visual Studio & Windows Store Apps 05 | Client Storage Options 03 | Building AdventureWorks Sample 06 | App Bars, Flyouts & Other UI Considerations

5 Setting Expectations Target Audience
VB Developers looking toward Windows Store Apps Suggested Prerequisites/Supporting Material Windows 8.1 Product Guide: What's new for developers Windows 8.1 Feature Guide Modern Design

6 Course Material PowerPoint Slides Demonstration Code
Demonstration Code Comments

7 Join the MVA Community! Microsoft Virtual Academy
Free online learning tailored for IT Pros and Developers Over 1M registered users Up-to-date, relevant training on variety of Microsoft products

8 01 | Modern Design – Focus on Fast & Fluid
Bill Burrows | UW Faculty Member & VB MVP Anthony D. Green | Program Manager, Microsoft

9 Module Overview Modern Design Overview Blocking the UI Thread
Modern Design – Screen Layout

10 Modern Design Overview

11 Modern design Pride in craftsmanship Fast and fluid
Authentically digital Do more with less Win as one

12 Fast and fluid – the 50 millisecond rule
“Keeping apps fast and fluid with asynchrony in the Windows Runtime” * To achieve those goals, we made many potentially I/O-bound APIs asynchronous in the Windows Runtime. These are the most likely candidates to visibly degrade performance if written synchronously (e.g. could likely take longer than 50 milliseconds to execute). * blog post from Jason Olson, Program Manager, Windows, March 20, 2012

13 Fast and fluid – WinRT asynchronous API
Displaying a message dialog. Working with the file system, including displaying a file picker. Sending and receiving data to and from the Internet Sockets, streams, connectivity Appointments, contacts, calendar Working with file types, such as opening Portable Document Format (PDF) files or decoding image or media formats Interacting with a device or a service

14 Blocking the UI Thread

15 Blocking the UI Thread

16 Important Concepts - Threads
An await expression in an async method does not block the current thread while the awaited task is running. The async and await keywords don't cause additional threads to be created. Async methods don't require multithreading and are not the same as parallel programming.

17 Important Concepts – A Promise
An async function gives back a Task immediately, but that Task is just a placeholder: The real result is delivered sometime later. When the async method eventually completes its work, the task is marked as completed and the result, if any, is stored in the task.

18 Important Concepts – Really Important
A method modified by the Async keyword contains at least one Await expression or statement. The method runs synchronously until it reaches the first Await, at which point it suspends until the awaited task completes. In the meantime, control is returned to the caller of the method, e.g., a Click event returns control to the UI thread (that called it) allowing the UI thread to remain responsive.

19 Blocking the UI Thread – Synchronous Approach

20 Blocking the UI Thread – Synchronous Approach

21 Blocking the UI Thread – Synchronous Approach

22 Blocking the UI Thread – Synchronous Approach
Thread is blocked Click

23 Blocking the UI Thread – Asynchronous Approach
Click Thread is blocked

24 Blocking the UI Thread – Asynchronous Approach
Click Thread is blocked

25 Blocking the UI Thread – Asynchronous Approach
Click Thread is blocked

26 Blocking the UI Thread – Asynchronous Approach
Click Thread is blocked

27 Summary – Asynchronous Advantage
Blocking the UI Thread – Synchronous Approach UI Thread Blocking the UI Thread – Asynchronous Approach UI Thread

28 Modern Design – Screen Layout

29 Modern Design - Edges ❶Top app bar – used for navigation.
❷Bottom app bar used for commands.

30 Modern Design - Charms The charms initiate system interactions.

31 Modern Design – Left edge
The left edge is the user's command center for viewing recently used apps, switching apps, and placing multiple apps on the screen side by side.

32 Module 1 Review Modern Design Overview Blocking the UI Thread
Modern Design – Screen Layout

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