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Transducers Gordon Shering November 18 By Gordon Shering.

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Presentation on theme: "Transducers Gordon Shering November 18 By Gordon Shering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transducers Gordon Shering November 18 By Gordon Shering

2 Introduction What is a transducer. Different types of transducers.
Examples of commercial transducers. Using transducers on control systems. November 18 By Gordon Shering

3 What is a Transducer? A device for turning one form of energy into another form of energy. Transducer Output Input November 18 By Gordon Shering

4 What is a Transducer? Output Input Transducer
The input can be length, force, pressure, light, tempature etc. The output can be anything but most typically an electrical (analogue) signal. The analoge siganal may be converted into a digital signal with an ADC for computer systems November 18 By Gordon Shering

5 Transducers Output Input Transducer
The input can be length, force, pressure, light, tempature etc. The output can be anything but most typically an electrical (analogue) signal. The analoge siganal may be converted into a digital signal with an ADC for computer systems November 18 By Gordon Shering

6 Position Transducers A Potentiometer may be used to measure position or movement. Electrical contacts age and can become unreliable. November 18 By Gordon Shering

7 Liquid Level Transducers
A Potentiometer used with a float to measure liquid level. Is this used in a car to measure petrol?. November 18 By Gordon Shering

8 Pressure Transducers A Potentiometer used with bellows or a diaphragm to measure presure. November 18 By Gordon Shering

9 Pressure Transducers Other ways to measure pressure. November 18
By Gordon Shering

10 Position Transducers (Magnetic)
Using magnetic coupling has the advantage that there are no rubbing contacts. November 18 By Gordon Shering

11 Position Transducers (Capacitive)
Using capacitive coupling can also be used and also has the advantage that there are no rubbing contacts. November 18 By Gordon Shering

12 Position Transducers (Optical)
Optics can be used to give a digital output directly. In this case rotational position is being measured. November 18 By Gordon Shering

13 Position Transducers (Optical)
What is the name for the cyclic code on the right.? Why is the wheel on the write normally used instead of the wheel on the left.? November 18 By Gordon Shering

14 Force Transducers (Strain gauge)
A strain gauge can be used to measure force. This could be used as a weighing machine. November 18 By Gordon Shering

15 Force Transducers (Strain gauge)
Real commercial strain gages are designed to give maximum sensitivity. November 18 By Gordon Shering

16 Temperature Transducers
A thermo couple uses two different metals that generate a voltage when they are heated. November 18 By Gordon Shering

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