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Syllable Templates.

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Presentation on theme: "Syllable Templates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Syllable Templates

2 Templates Universal Template All languages have CV syllables

3 Templates Universal Template Maximal Template
All languages have CV syllables Maximal Template The syllable with the most members possible

4 Templates Maximal CV V CV

5 Templates Maximal CV V CV Maximal CVC CVC

6 Templates Maximal CV V CV Maximal CVC CVC Maximal CCV CCV

7 Maximal Template in English?

8 Maximal Template in English?
‘strengths’ CCCVCCC or CCCVCCCC if [stɹɛŋkϴs] ‘sixths’ CVCCCC

9 Japanese Syllables Maximal Template is CVN Permissible syllables V CV

10 Japanese Syllables Maximal Template is CVN Permissible syllables V CV
What do you do with ‘baseball’ [beɪsbal]?

11 Japanese Syllables Maximal Template is CVN
Permissible syllables V CV CVN What do you do with ‘baseball’ [beɪsbal]? Beɪsbal CVCCVC Beisuboru CV.CV.CV.CV

12 Japanese Syllables Maximal Template is CVN
Permissible syllables V CV CVN What do you do with ‘baseball’ [beɪsbal]? Beɪsbal CVCCVC Beisuboru CV.CV.CV.CV ‘pint’ [paɪnt] CVNC Painto CVN.CV

13 Tongan Syllables What does Groberg > Kolipoki tell you?
Tongan has no [g, b, r] Groberg CCV.CVCC Kolipoki CV.CV.CV

14 Obligatory Onset Parameter
Some languages allow syllables to not have onset V VC VCC Others require an onset CV CCV CVC ***V ***VC

15 How do you syllabify This works in most languages Maximize the onset
Put all possible consonants in onset

16 How do you syllabify This works in most languages Maximize the onset
Put all possible consonants in onset What is possible? What is allowed word initially

17 How do you syllabify Example ‘monster’ [manstɚ]
This works in most languages Maximize the onset Put all possible consonants in onset What is possible? What is allowed word initially Example ‘monster’ [manstɚ]

18 How do you syllabify Example ‘monster’ [manstɚ]
This works in most languages Maximize the onset Put all possible consonants in onset What is possible? What is allowed word initially Example ‘monster’ [manstɚ] Maximize onset [ma.nstɚ]

19 How do you syllabify Example ‘monster’ [manstɚ]
This works in most languages Maximize the onset Put all possible consonants in onset What is possible? What is allowed word initially Example ‘monster’ [manstɚ] Maximize onset [ma.nstɚ] [nst] not permissible so [man.stɚ]

20 How do you syllabify Example ‘obstruct’

21 How do you syllabify Example ‘obstruct’ Maximize onset o.bstruct

22 How do you syllabify Example ‘obstruct’ Maximize onset o.bstruct
[bstr] not permissible so ob.struct

23 How do you syllabify Example ‘obstruct’ Maximize onset o.bstruct
[bstr] not permissible so ob.struct Why not obs.truct? [tr] is legal onset [tr] doesn’t maximize onset [str] does

24 How do you syllabify Example ‘lollypop’

25 How do you syllabify Example ‘unstable’

26 How do you syllabify Example ‘Pepsi’

27 How do you syllabify Example ‘Rhythmic’

28 Spanish Words never begin with ***sp- ***sk-

29 Spanish Words never begin with ***sp- ***sk- ***st-

30 Spanish Words never begin with How do you syllabify [inskrißo]? ***sp-
***st- How do you syllabify [inskrißo]?

31 Spanish Words never begin with How do you syllabify [inskrißo]? ***sp-
***st- How do you syllabify [inskrißo]? Maximize onset [i.nskrißo] Possible word initial clusters [ins.krißo] [in.skrißo] violates possible word initial cluster [sk-]

32 Sharanahua What are all the possible syllables?

33 Sharanahua What are all the possible syllables? V, CV, CCV, CCVC, CVV

34 Sharanahua What are all the possible syllables? What are [ts] and [ʧ]?
V, CV, CCV, CCVC, CVV What are [ts] and [ʧ]? How would it affect possible syllables?

35 Sharanahua What are all the possible syllables? What are [ts] and [ʧ]?
V, CV, CCV, CCVC, CVV What are [ts] and [ʧ]? How would it affect possible syllables?

36 Sharanahua What are all the possible syllables? What are [ts] and [ʧ]?
V, CV, CCV, CCVC, CVV What are [ts] and [ʧ]? How would it affect possible syllables? Is there and obligatory onset?

37 English Is there an obligatory onset in English?

38 English Is there an obligatory onset in English?
V- words like ‘about’ have initial glottal stop

39 Quichua What is the maximal template?

40 Quichua What is the maximal template? CVC (V, CV, VC, CVC attested)

41 Quichua What is the maximal template? Is there an obligatory onset?
CVC (V, CV, VC, CVC attested) Is there an obligatory onset?

42 Quichua What is the maximal template? Is there an obligatory onset?
CVC (V, CV, VC, CVC attested) Is there an obligatory onset? Discounting word initial, yes

43 Syllabification What is the effect of morpheme boundary
Question: What factors influence where syllables are divided? What is the effect of morpheme boundary rent+ing, out+age (vs. pontoon, attack) types of boundaries compound: playmate transparent: prewar opaque: zealous (vs. zeal, pronunciation difference)

44 Syllabification What is the effect of morpheme boundary
Question: What factors influence where syllables are divided? What is the effect of morpheme boundary blink+ing, out+age (vs. monkey, attack) What is the effect of written geminates? rabbit versus habit

45 Syllabification What is the effect of consonant legality?
Question: What factors influence where syllables are divided? What is the effect of consonant legality? No word ends in -pr, so a syllable can't either? approve > *appr.ove, a.pprove

46 Syllabification What is the effect of consonant legality?
Question: What factors influence where syllables are divided? What is the effect of consonant legality? No word ends in -pr, so a syllable can't either? approve > *appr.ove, a.pprove Effect of vowel legality Words don't end in lax vowels, how about syllables? lax: finish > *fi.nish, fin.ish tense: phoenix > phoe.nix or phoen.ix

47 Syllabification slash insertion How do you test it?
is habit ha / bit or hab / it?

48 Syllabification slash insertion
How do you test it? slash insertion is habit ha / bit or hab / it? Problem: spelling doesn't reflect pronunciation castle, cupboard

49 Syllabification slash insertion
How do you test it? slash insertion is habit ha / bit or hab / it? Problem: spelling doesn't reflect pronunciation castle, cupboard

50 Syllabification victim VI / KTUHM VIK / TUHM VIKT / UHM
Solution: show quasi-phonetic representation: victim VI / KTUHM VIK / TUHM VIKT / UHM

51 Syllabification 4990 words Online experiment
How many words can people do?

52 Syllabification 4990 words Online experiment
How many words can people do? What about other dialects of English?

53 Syllabification 4990 words Online experiment
How many words can people do? What about other dialects of English? What about non-native speakers?

54 Syllabification 4990 words Online experiment
How many words can people do? What about other dialects of English? What about non-native speakers? Could people sabotage the experiment?

55 What influences .C (vs. C.) syllabification?
Logodds # % Obstruent (attack) Nasal (anode) Lateral (alloy) Rhotic (arrow) Legality of first vowel Legal (follow) Illegal (fallow)

56 What influences .C (vs. C.) syllabification?
Type of morphological boundary by boundary placement Compound boundary before consonant (play+mate) Transparent boundary before consonant (pre+war) Opaque boundary before consonant (zeal+ous) Morphologically simple (aloof) Opaque boundary after consonant (foot+age) Transparent boundary after consonant (fill+ing) Compound boundary after consonant (with+out)

57 What influences .C (vs. C.) syllabification?
Stress Final (attach) Initial (attic)

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