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More coarticulation 1.

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Presentation on theme: "More coarticulation 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 More coarticulation 1

2 Hear IPA sounds See link on class website 2

3 Homorganic Two consonants with the same place of articulation 3

4 Geminate Two consonants with the same place of articulation and are identical 4

5 Geminate Two consonants with the same place of articulation and are identical A long consonant 5

6 Geminate Two consonants with the same place of articulation and are identical A long consonant Transcribed as CC (e.g. [atta]) or C: (e.g. [at:a]) 6

7 Geminate Geminates must occur within same word
[tt] in ‘wet towel’ doesn’t count [nn] in ‘one nurse’ doesn’t count 7

8 Geminate English doesn’t have contrastive geminates
a[n]ounce versus *a[nn]ounce 8

9 Geminate English only has geminates across morpheme boundaries
u[nn]erve not u[n]erve u[nn]oticed not u[n]oticed roo[mm]ate not roo[m]ate 9

10 Geminate Other languages have geminates not across word boundaries
Berber Imi ‘mouth Immi ‘mother Ifis ‘jackal Ifiss ‘he was quiet’ 10

11 Geminate Other languages have geminates not across word boundaries
Finnish Takka ‘fireplace’ Taka ‘back’ 11

12 Geminate Sometimes consonant assimilation creates geminates Spanish
vi[kt]or > vi[tt]or su[bm]arino > su[mm]arino 12

13 Affricate A stop followed by a fricative That are homorganic
That are processed as a single unit That are in same syllable That are in same morpheme 13

14 Affricate A stop followed by a fricative ca[ts] [ts] is homorganic
[t] and [s] are in different morphemes [t] and [s] are in same syllable [t] and [s] are processed as different units 14

15 Affricate A stop followed by a fricative [ts]uneo in Japanese
[ts] is homorganic [t] and [s] are in same morphemes [t] and [s] are in same syllable [t] and [s] are processed as same units 15

16 Affricate A stop followed by a fricative [tʃ] in ‘itch’ in English
[tʃ] is homorganic ([t] is not alveolar) [t] and [ʃ] are in same morphemes [t] and [ʃ] are in same syllable [t] and [ʃ] are processed as same units How many sounds in ‘itch’? 16

17 Affricate How about [ʤ] in ‘jewish’? 17

18 Affricate How about [ʤ] in ‘jewish’?
[ʒ] is homorganic ([d] is not alveolar) [d] and [ʒ] are in same morphemes [d] and [ʒ] are in same syllable [d] and [ʒ] are processed as same units How many sounds in ‘jewish’? 18

19 Affricate Other affricates [ts] [dz] in Italian
[pf] and [ts] in German [tɬ] in Navajo and Nahuatl 19

20 Stop release Most stops release orally into a vowel Attach, keep, done

21 Stop release Most stops release orally into a vowel Attach, keep, done
Stop release also called plosion 21

22 Stop release Lateral release middle, pedal [dl̩]
Little, [tl̩] or [ɾl̩] [ ̩] means C is syllabic 22

23 Stop release Nasal release captain [pm̩] Beaten, curtain [ʔn̩]
Deaden [dn̩] Something [ʔm̩] 23

24 Stop release Nasal release captain [pm̩] Beaten, curtain [ʔn̩]
Deaden [dn̩] Something [ʔm̩] Logging [gŋ̩̩] 24

25 Stop release Nasal release captain [pm̩] Beaten, curtain [ʔn̩]
Deaden [dn̩] Something [ʔm̩] Logging [gŋ] Not all are homorganic 25

26 Stop release Prenasalised stops Are word initial
Are processed as one unit [mb, nd,ŋg] 26

27 Stop release Prenasalised stops Are word initial
Are processed as one unit [mb, nd,ŋg] Bantu: [bantu] Guarani: [ndeve] 27

28 Diphthongs Sequence of two vowels That are in same syllable
That behave as one unit That generally have a glide in them 28

29 Diphthongs Sequence of two vowels That are in same syllable
That behave as one unit That generally have a glide in them 29

30 Diphthongs How many syllables in ‘iodine’ 30

31 Diphthongs How many syllables in ‘iodine’
How many syllables in ‘hiatus’ 31

32 Diphthongs How many syllables in ‘iodine’
How many syllables in ‘hiatus’ ‘io’ and ‘ia’ are not diphthongs 32

33 Diphthongs Are there two vowel sounds in: Wood? 33

34 Diphthongs Are there two vowel sounds in: Wood? Said? Rain? Seed? 34

35 Diphthongs Are there two vowel sounds in: Light? 35

36 Diphthongs Are there two vowel sounds in: Light? [aɪ] 36

37 Diphthongs Are there two vowel sounds in: Light? [aɪ] Face? 37

38 Diphthongs Are there two vowel sounds in: Light? [aɪ] Face? [eɪ] 38

39 Diphthongs Are there two vowel sounds in: Light? [aɪ] Face? [eɪ] Toy?

40 Diphthongs Are there two vowel sounds in: Light? [aɪ] Face? [eɪ] Toy?
[ɔɪ] 40

41 Diphthongs Are there two vowel sounds in: Light? [aɪ] Face? [eɪ] Toy?
[ɔɪ] House? 41

42 Diphthongs Are there two vowel sounds in: House? 42

43 Diphthongs Are there two vowel sounds in: House? [aʊ] 43

44 Diphthongs Are there two vowel sounds in: House? [aʊ] Goat? 44

45 Diphthongs Are there two vowel sounds in: House? [aʊ] Goat?
[oʊ] or [eʊ] 45

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