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20.2-European Nations Settle North America

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1 20.2-European Nations Settle North America

2 Recap/Intro Spain was very successful in Americas-other nations interested Treaty of Tordesillas divided the land between Portugal and Spain-ignored by English, French, Dutch, etc. Decision by French, British and Dutch to establish colonies in North America

3 New France Giovanni da Verrazzano sailed to NA looking for route to the Pacific Did not find route-did discover present New York harbor Jacques Cartier found Montreal and later Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec (capital of New France) France then turned attention to other parts of NA-de la Salle explored Mississippi River Valley and claimed it for France Called it Louisiana in order of French king Louis XIV



6 The French Trading Empire
France built up huge empire in North America Very small population-about 65,000 people French much more interested in fur trading than building towns or making families Sole interest was making money-not having huge amounts of colonists



9 Jamestown and the British
English sailed in 1607 with three ships and 100 settlers and landed on coast of Virginia Named Jamestown in honor of English king James Very bad colony-tried to find gold not grow crops-70% of population died of hunger, disease, or fighting with Native Americans Started to grow crops (TOBACCO)-huge demand and big success for colonists



12 The Puritans and New England
1620-Pilgrims found a second English colony (Plymouth, Massachusetts) Looking for religious freedom Later, Puritans sought religious freedom-established a larger colony near Massachusetts Bay Idea to build “model community”-many families as opposed to largely single men in Jamestown/VA


14 Dutch and New Netherland
Henry Hudson sailed for Dutch- found Hudson River, Hudson Bay, and Hudson Strait Set up Dutch West India Trading Company-colonized and set up fur trading in New Netherland Slow to attract Dutch settlers- opened themselves up to French, Germans, and other European people

15 English Oust Dutch English, French and Dutch began battling for supremacy in NA English wanted to get Dutch out (separated Massachusetts from Virginia) English king gave his brother (Duke of York) permission to drive out Dutch Dutch surrendered-renamed New York English colonized rest of Atlantic Coast-by 1750 ~1.2 million people in 13 colonies

16 England Battles France
England pushed further West into North America French already there-two groups battled for control 1754-French and Indian War between France and Britain over control of North America British won-took control of majority of North American holdings


18 Colonists vs. Native Americans
Colonization was disastrous for Native Americans in both North and South America French and Dutch developed working relationship with Native Americans- needed for fur trade French and Dutch mostly got along with Native Americans English did not-as population of colonists grew-needed to drive out Native Americans Puritans viewed Native Americans as agents of the devil and impure-added to persecution

19 Settlers and Natives Battle
From early on, conflict between settlers and natives One of the bloodiest conflicts was King Phillip’s War Native American ruler Metacom (King Phillip)-led attack on colonial villages throughout Massachusetts After year of fierce fighting by both sides-English won and able to push Natives further and further West

20 Natives Fall to Disease
Diseases far bigger killer than weapons Smallpox ravaged Native Americans as early as 1616 The Massachusett tribe’s population dropped from 24,000 to only 750 Natives proved to not be cut out for labor necessary on colonies Colonists looked to Africans to take over the labor situation

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