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One Umpire system Pregame Meeting at the Plate

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1 One Umpire system Pregame Meeting at the Plate
Working with no runners on Working with runner on first only Working with runner in scoring position General

2 One Umpire system Pregame
No one to talk with but run some things through your head before you step on field know the field- get there early if you don't know the field and park away but not in an obscure place let the home management know you are there, sometimes it is just a wave, but it helps get the game started on time think about fan control, think about who you know that you can go to if there are issues remind yourself to get game balls early and pull the best balls out of the practice bucket so you have several available to you ( I mean several).

3 Meeting at the Plate keep line up cards, do the job you would for a HS varsity game, you gain respect don't be chummy, act professional even when around people you know don't chat with fans before game, saying hi is fine, just don't hang around the fence during the game take charge of pregame (ground rules), otherwise they get long, you may be working with inexperienced coaches Make sure you mention that you will do everything that you can do to keep the game moving and you would appreciate help from both benches.

4 Working with runner on first
On attempted steal, step out right or left, don't try to get in front of plate remember priorities, balls and strikes first and then balk don't move on pick off attempt, just move your head. As you make the call, step out so everyone can see you. Come out from behind plate on batted ball whether to the mound or down the line. Line drives over the bag, you won't have much time, just move to get on the line extended.

5 Working with no runners on
hustle out to mound on each batted ball unless fair foul is in question, if F/F, work from the plate if third base line F/F, hustle up the first base line if F/F question on first base line. remember your priorities, ball and strikes first always beat the catcher back to the plate after infield out to first base

6 Force play at first, no one on

7 Working with runners in scoring position
Don't leave the plate area, recommend to stay behind the plate. Get depth behind plate on all tag up situations. Remember priorities on fly ball and tag up , 1. catch no catch 2. fair foul, 3. then tag up, 4. touching plate at home.

8 Runner in Scoring position

9 Fair foul third baseline

10 Tag up situations

11 General be aware of baseballs remaining in your ball bag
brush the plate off after each batter, give a chance to face the dugout and to make sure new batter is ready to step in. call time only when have to do not coach, if a question is asked, answer briefly know the score, not just toward end of game, but throughout. Just asking toward the end of game gives wrong impressions leave field without chit-chat, roll balls toward dugout acknowledge compliments with a nod or a quick thank you, don't acknowledge criticism, just keep walking

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