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6th primary school of Xanthi Greece

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Presentation on theme: "6th primary school of Xanthi Greece"— Presentation transcript:

1 6th primary school of Xanthi Greece
Attitudes and feelings of our students Survey 6th primary school of Xanthi Greece

2 What do you like the most in your school?

3 What is that you don’t like in your school?

4 Do you feel safe, when you are in your school yard?

5 Do you feel the need to do something of the following while being at school?

6 Has anyone from the following treated you badly?

7 In what way have you been badly treated?

8 You reported the incident and asked for the help of..

9 To what extend do you feel pressed when there is too much homework for you?

10 Circle the sentences you agree with.

11 Thanks for waching

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