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Integrating the Supply Chain Chapter 14

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1 Integrating the Supply Chain Chapter 14

2 What is Supply Chain Integration?
The effective coordination of supply chain processes though the seamless flow of information up and down the supply chain.

3 Supply Chain Integration
Upstream Downstream Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 Tomato suppliers Tomato paste factories Tomato grading stations Retail sales Consumers Ketchup factory Information flows Cash flows Figure 14.1

4 Supply Chain Disruptions
External Causes Environmental Disruptions Supply Chain Complexity Loss of Major Accounts Loss of Supply Customer-Induced Volume Changes Service and Product Mix Changes Late Deliveries Underfilled Shipments

5 Supply Chain Disruptions
Internal Causes Internally Generated Shortages Quality Failures Poor Supply Chain Visibility Engineering Changes Order Batching New Service or Production Introductions Service or Product Promotions Information Errors

6 Supply Chain Dynamics Bullwhip Effect
The phenomenon in supply chains whereby ordering patterns experience increasing variance as you proceed upstream in the chain.

7 Supply Chain Dynamics The Bullwhip Effect Order quantity
Package supplier’s weekly orders to cardboard supplier Retailers’ daily orders to manufacturer Manufacturer’s weekly orders to package supplier Consumers’ daily demands 9,000 7,000 5,000 3,000 Order quantity Month of April Day 1 Day 30 The Bullwhip Effect Figure 14.2

8 Integrated Supply Chains
External Supply Chain Linkages First-Tier Supplier Service/Product Provider Support Processes External Suppliers Supplier relationship process New service/ product development process Order fulfillment process Business-to-business (B2B) customer relationship process External Consumers Business-to-consumer (B2C) customer relationship process Figure 14.3

9 Integrated Supply Chains
SCOR Model Plan Source Make Delivery Return

10 SCOR Model Figure 14.4

11 New Service/Product Development
Design Service or product not profitable Need to rethink the new offering or production process Analysis Development Post-launch review Full Launch Figure 14.5

12 Supplier Relationship Process
Supplier selection Material costs Annual material costs = pD Freight costs Inventory costs Cycle inventory = Q/2 Pipeline inventory = 𝒅 L Annual inventory costs = (Q/2 + 𝒅 L) H Administrative costs Total Annual Cost = pD + Freight costs + (Q/2 + 𝒅 L) H + administrative costs.

13 Example 14.1 Compton Electronics manufactures laptops for major computer manufacturers. A key element of the laptop is the keyboard. Compton has identified three potential suppliers for the keyboard, each located in a different part of the world. Important cost considerations are the price per keyboard, freight costs, inventory costs, and contract administrative costs. The annual requirements for the keyboard are 300,000 units. Assume Compton has 250 business days a year. Managers have acquired the following data for each supplier. Which supplier provides the lowest annual total cost to Compton?

14 Example 14.1 Annual Freight Costs Shipping Quantity (units/shipment)
Supplier 10,000 20,000 30,000 Belfast $380,000 $260,000 $237,000 Hong Kong $615,000 $547,000 $470,000 Shreveport $285,000 $240,000 $200,000 Keyboard Costs and Shipping Lead Times Supplier Price/Unit Annual Inventory Carrying Cost/Unit Shipping Lead Time (days) Administrative Costs Belfast $100 $20.00 15 $180,000 Hong Kong $96 $19.20 25 $300,000 Shreveport $99 $19.80 5 $150,000

15 Example 14.1 d = 300,000/250 = 1,200 keyboards Total Annual Cost =
The average requirements per day are: d = 300,000/250 = 1,200 keyboards Total Annual Cost = pD + Freight costs + (Q/2 + dL)H + Administrative costs

16 Example 14.1 BELFAST: Q = 10,000 units. Material costs = pD =
= $30,000,000 ($100/unit)(300,000 units) Freight costs = $380,000 Inventory costs = (cycle inventory + pipeline inventory)H = (Q/2 + 𝒅 L)H = (10,000 units/ units/day(15 days))$20/unit/year = $460,000 Administrative costs = $180,000 Total Annual Cost = = $31,020,000 $30,000,000 + $380, $460,000 + $180,000

17 Total Annual Costs for the Keyboard Suppliers
Example 14.1 The total costs for all three shipping quantity options are similarly calculated and are contained in the following table. Total Annual Costs for the Keyboard Suppliers Shipping Quantity Supplier 10,000 20,000 30,000 Belfast Hong Kong Shreveport

18 Total Annual Costs for the Keyboard Suppliers
Example 14.1 The total costs for all three shipping quantity options are similarly calculated and are contained in the following table. Total Annual Costs for the Keyboard Suppliers Shipping Quantity Supplier 10,000 20,000 30,000 Belfast Hong Kong Shreveport $31,020,000 $31,000,000 $31,077,000 $30,387,000 $30,415,000 $30,434,000 $30,352,800 $30,406,800 $30,465,800

19 Green Purchasing Green purchasing – The process of identifying, assessing, and managing the flow of environmental waste and finding ways to reduce it and minimize its impact on the environment. Choose environmentally conscious suppliers. Use and substantiate claims such as green, biodegradable, natural, and recycled. Use sustainability as criteria for certification.

20 Example 14.2 The management of Compton Electronics has done a total cost analysis for three international suppliers of keyboards (see Example 14.1). Compton also considers on-time delivery, consistent quality, and environmental stewardship in its selection process. Each criterion is given a weight (total of 100 points), and each supplier is given a score (1 = poor, 10 = excellent) on each criterion. The data are shown in the following table. Score Criterion Weight Belfast Hong Kong Shreveport Total Cost 25 5 8 9 On-Time Delivery 30 6 7 Consistent Quality Environment 15

21 Example 14.2 The weighted score for each supplier is calculated by multiplying the weight by the score for each criterion and arriving at a total. For example, the Belfast weighted score is: Belfast = (25  5) + (30  9) + (30  8) + (15  9) = 770 Preferred Hong Kong = (25  8) + (30  6) + (30  9) + (15  6) = 740 Shreveport = (25  9) + (30  7) + (30  6) + (15  8) = 735

22 Supplier Relationship Process
Design collaboration Early supplier involvement Presourcing Value analysis Negotiation Competitive orientation Cooperative orientation

23 Supplier Relationship Process
Buying Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Catalog Hubs Exchanges Auctions Locus of Control

24 Supplier Relationship Process
Information Exchange Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Vendor-Managed Inventories (VMI)

25 Order Fulfillment Process
Customer Demand Planning Supply Planning Production Logistics Ownership Facility location Mode selection Capacity level Cross-docking

26 Example 14.3 Tower Distributors provides logistical services to local manufacturers. Tower picks up products from the manufacturers, takes them to its distribution center, and then assembles shipments to retailers in the region. Tower needs to build a new distribution center; consequently, it needs to make a decision on how many trucks to have. The monthly amortized capital cost of ownership is $2,100 per truck. Operating variable costs are $1 per mile for each truck owned by Tower. If capacity is exceeded in any month, Tower can rent trucks at $2 per mile. Each truck Tower owns can be used 10,000 miles per month. The requirements for the trucks, however, are uncertain. Managers have estimated the following probabilities for several possible demand levels and corresponding fleet sizes.

27 Example 14.3 Requirements (miles/month) 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 Fleet Size (trucks) 10 15 20 25 Probability 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 If Tower Distributors wants to minimize the expected cost of operations, how many trucks should it have?

28 Example 4.3 C = monthly capital cost of ownership + variable operating cost per month + rental costs if needed C(100,000 miles/month) = ($2,100/truck)(10 trucks) + ($1/mile)(100,000 miles) = $121,000 C(150,000 miles/month) = ($2,100/truck)(10 trucks) + ($1/mile)(100,000 miles) + ($2 rent/mile)(150,000 miles – 100,000 miles) = $221,000 C(200,000 miles/month) = ($2,100/truck)(10 trucks) + ($1/mile)(100,000 miles) + ($2 rent/mile)(200,000 miles – 100,000 miles) = $321,000 C(250,000 miles/month) = ($2,100/truck)(10 trucks) + ($1/mile)(100,000 miles) + ($2 rent/mile)(250,000 miles – 100,000 miles) = $421,000

29 Example 14.3 Next, calculate the expected value for the 10 truck fleet size alternative as follows: Expected Value (10 trucks) = 0.2($121,000) + 0.3($221,000) ($321,000) + 0.1($421,000) = $261,000 Using similar logic, we can calculate the expected costs for each of the other fleet-size options: Expected Value (15 trucks) = 0.2($131,500) + 0.3($181,500) ($281,500) + 0.1($381,000) = $231,500 Expected Value (20 trucks) = 0.2($142,000) + 0.3($192,000) ($242,000) + 0.1($342,000) = $217,000 Expected Value (25 trucks) = 0.2($152,500) + 0.3($202,500) ($252,500) + 0.1($302,500) = $222,500 The preferred option is 20 trucks.

30 The Customer Relationship Process
Marketing Business-to-Consumer Systems Business-to-Business Systems Order Placement Cost Reduction Revenue Flow Increase Global Access Pricing Flexibility Customer Service

31 Supply Chain Risk Management
The practice of managing the risk of any factor or event that can materially disrupt a supply chain, whether within a single firm or across multiple firms.

32 Supply Chain Risk Management
Operational Risks – Threats to the effective flow of materials, services, and products in a supply chain Strategic Alignment Upstream/Downstream Supply Chain Integration Visibility Flexibility and Redundancy Short Replenishment Lead Times Small Order Lot Sizes Rationing Short Supplies Everyday low pricing (EDLP) Cooperation and Trustworthiness

33 Supply Chain Risk Management
Financial Risks – Threats to the financial flows in a supply chain, such as prices, costs, and profits. Low Cost Hopping Hedging Production Shifting Futures Contract

34 Supply Chain Risk Management
Security Risks - Threats to a supply chain that could potentially damage stakeholders, facilities, or operations. Access Control Physical Security Shipping and Receiving Transportation Service Provider ISO 28000

35 Performance Measures Customer Relationship Order Fulfillment
Supplier Relationship Percent of orders taken accurately Time to complete the order placement process Customer satisfaction with the order placement process Customer’s evaluation of firm’s environmental stewardship Percent of business lost because of supply chain disruptions Percent of incomplete orders shipped Percent of orders shipped on-time Time to fulfill the order Percent of botched services or returned items Cost to produce the service or item Customer satisfaction with the order fulfillment process Inventory levels of work-in-process and finished goods Amount of greenhouse gasses emitted into the air Number of security breaches Percent of suppliers’ deliveries on-time Suppliers’ lead times Percent defects in services and purchased materials Cost of services and purchased materials Inventory levels of supplies and purchased components Evaluation of suppliers’ collaboration on streamlining and waste conversion Amount of transfer of environmental technologies to suppliers

36 Carrying Cost/Unit (H)
Solved Problem 1 Eagle Electric Repair is a repair facility for several major electronic appliance manufactures. Eagle wants to find a low-cost supplier for an electric relay switch used in many appliances. The annual requirements for the relay switch (D) are 100,000 units. Eagle operates 250 days a year. The following data are available for two suppliers. Kramer and Sunrise, for the part: Freight Costs Shipping Quantity (Q) Supplier 2,000 10,000 Price/Unit (p) Carrying Cost/Unit (H) Lead Time (L)(days) Administrative Costs Kramer $30,000 $20,000 $5.00 $1.00 5 $10,000 Sunrise $28,000 $18,000 $4.90 $0.98 9 $11,000

37 We must calculate the total annual costs
Solved Problem 1 The daily requirements for the relay switch are: d = 100,000/250 = 400 units We must calculate the total annual costs for each alternative: Total annual cost = Material costs + Freight costs + Inventory costs + Administrative costs = pD + Freight costs + (Q/2 + dL) H + Administrative costs

38 Solved Problem 1 Kramer Q = 2,000: Q = 10,000: ($5.00)(100,000) + $30,000 + (2,000/ (5))($1) + $10,000 = $543,000 ($5.00)(100,000) + $20,000 + (10,000/ (5))($1) + $10,000 = $537,000 Sunrise Q = 2,000: Q = 10,000: ($4.90)(100,000) + $28,000 + (2,000/ (9))($0.98) + $11,000 = $533,508 (4.90)(100,000) + $18, (10,000/ (9))($0.98) + $11,000 = $527,428 The analysis reveals that using Sunrise and a shipping quantity of 10,000 units will yield the lowest annual total costs.

39 Solved Problem 2 Eagle Electric Repair wants to select a supplier based on total annual cost, consistent quality, and delivery speed. The following table shows the weights management assigned to each criterion (total of 100 points) and the scores assigned to each supplier (Excellent = 5, Poor = 1). Scores Criterion Weight Kramer Sunrise Total annual cost 30 4 5 Consistent quality 40 3 Delivery speed Which supplier should Eagle select, given these criteria and scores?

40 Solved Problem 2 Using the preference matrix approach, the weighted scores for each supplier are: Scores Criterion Weight Kramer Sunrise Total annual cost 30 4 5 Consistent quality 40 3 Delivery speed WSKramer = (30  4) + (40  3) + (30  5) = 390 WSSunrise = (30  5) + (40  4) + (30  3) = 400 Preferred

41 Solved Problem 3 How many teams should Schneider hire?
Schneider Logistics Company has built a new warehouse in Columbus, Ohio, to facilitate the consolidation of freight shipments to customers in the region. How many teams of dock workers should he hire to handle the cross docking operations and the other warehouse activities? Each team costs $5,000 a week in wages and overhead. Extra capacity can be subcontracted at a cost of $8,000 a team per week. Each team can satisfy 200 labor hours of work a week. Management has estimated the following probabilities for the requirements: Requirements (hours/wk) 200 400 600 Number of teams 1 2 3 Probability 0.20 0.50 0.30 How many teams should Schneider hire?

42 Solved Problem 3 We use the expected value decision rule by first computing the cost for each option for each possible level of requirements and then using the probabilities to determine the expected value for each option. The option with the lowest expected cost is the one Schneider will implement. We demonstrate the approach using the “one team” in-house option. One Team In-House C(200) = C(400) = C(600) = Expected Value = $5,000 $5,000 + $8,000 = $13,000 $5,000 + $8,000 + $8,000 = $21,000 0.20($5,000) ($13,000) ($21,000) = $13,800

43 Weekly Labor Requirements
Solved Problem 3 A table of the complete results is below. Weekly Labor Requirements In-House 200 hrs 400 hrs 600 hrs Expected Value One team Two teams Three teams

44 Weekly Labor Requirements
Solved Problem 3 A table of the complete results is below. Weekly Labor Requirements In-House 200 hrs 400 hrs 600 hrs Expected Value One team Two teams Three teams $5,000 $13,000 $21,000 $13,800 $10,000 $18,000 $12,400 $15,000 Based on the expected value decision rule, Schneider should employ two teams at the warehouse.

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