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Review: #10 Wednesday, Jan. 15th.

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1 Review: #10 Wednesday, Jan. 15th


3 The Kite Runner --Literary Terms for Analysis
Ex.: “Sitting cross-legged, sunlight and shadows of pomegranate leaves dancing on his face…” (Chapter IV). Personification Ex.: “I felt like a man sliding down a steep cliff, clutching at shrubs and tangles of brambles and coming up empty-handed. The room was swooping up and down, swaying side to side.” (Chapter XVII). ??? Simile Ex.: “After all, life is not a Hindi movie.” (Chapter XXV). ??? Metaphor The tree in the story is used as a _______ for the status of Amir and Hassan’s relationship. Symbol The Kite Runner --Literary Terms for Analysis

4 Construct a short answer about this very SYMBOLIC image and how it sums up the essence of Amir and Hassan’s story The Kite Runner

5 Hamlet- Act 2,scene 2: Literary Terms for Analysis
Polonius to King Claudius: “My news shall be fruit to that great feast” Metaphor: news/ fruit = his information will be the “sweet” part of their upcoming discussion Polonius to King Claudius [ about the conversation he overhead between Hamlet & Ophelia ]: “How pregnant his replies are!” Personification: words hold deeper, “fuller” meaning than what their surface meanings are Hamlet about the actor’s ability: “He would drown the stage with tears….” Hyperbole / exaggeraton: Physically impossible, it still conveys the brilliant ability of an actor to evoke emotion in his audience Hamlet- Act 2,scene 2: Literary Terms for Analysis

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