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Epidemiology Introduction

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1 Epidemiology Introduction

2 Changing Patterns of Community Health
Health patterns in constant state of flux (الانماط الصحية في حالة تغير متواصل) Infectious versus chronic diseases (الامراض المعدية مقابل الامراض المزمنة) Population and age-related (السكان والعلاقة السنيه)

3 Chain of Infection Etiological agent Source/Reservoir Portal of exit
Mode of transmission Portal of entry Susceptible host


5 Modes of Transmission Contact transmission Vehicle transmission
Vector transmission


7 Classes of Epidemics Common source (vs. sporadic:متقطع) Point source
Intermittent Continuous Propagated Your Assignment: Define these terms & identify which apply to the following three graphs




11 Disease Investigation
Establish diagnosis Identify specific agent Describe according to person, place and time Identify source of agent Identify mode of transmission Identify susceptible populations

12 Epidemiology and Clinical Practice
Clinical practice dependent on epidemiology Epidemiology defines natural history of disease Even descriptive information is useful

13 The Epidemiologic Approach
Multistep process - First - determine association - Then prove causation(اثبات العلاقة السببية) - Not all associations are causal - Examine validity, false assumptions- e.g. - fluoride in water

14 Analytic Studies Type of study - Design - Analysis of data

15 Epidemiology and Prevention
Identify high risk populations Modify risks Prevent exposures

16 Levels of Prevention Primary Secondary Tertiary

17 Levels of Prevention (cont’d)
Primary Involves halting(وقف) any occurrence of a disease or disorder before it happens

18 Levels of Prevention (cont’d)
Secondary Health screening and detection activities

19 Levels of Prevention (cont’d)
Tertiary Retard(تأخير) or block the progression of condition

20 Yes may be invo… Common source – All victims acquire the infection from the same source (e.g. a contaminated water supply). Continuous source – Common source outbreak where the exposure occurs over multiple incubation periods Point source – Common source outbreak where the exposure occurs in less than one incubation period Propagated – Transmission occurs from person to person.

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