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Making inferences from text

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1 Making inferences from text
Zooming In Making inferences from text

2 In your journals… Why is this cartoon (supposed to be) funny? How did you figure that out?

3 Same Questions, Different Cartoon…
Why is this cartoon (supposed to be) funny? How did you figure that out?

4 Authors don’t explicitly tell you everything
Definitions/Purpose Inference: when a reader combines background knowledge with clues from the text to draw conclusions Why? Authors don’t explicitly tell you everything Sometimes readers know more than a character Keeps the reader engaged with making guesses/being amused

5 Find evidence (“I read…”)
The Steps Find evidence (“I read…”) 2. Connect with background knowledge (“I know…”) 3. Draw conclusions (“So…)

6 Perspective Who narrates most of The Kite Runner? What do we know about Amir? How might that affect the story he tells us? Why does Rahim Khan choose to reveal this information at this time?

7 Writing Enterprise! Writing a journal entry from the perspective of a character OTHER THAN Amir. You are inferring how s/he feels to write this. Must turn in completed pre-writing thought organizer Draft the journal entry in your class notebook You will type the final copy and it to me next class

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