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Plot Structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Plot Structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plot Structure

2 EXPOSITION Characters, setting, and basic situation revealed

3 RISING ACTION Main part of the story Moves the plot along
Conflict introduced

4 CLIMAX Most exciting or intense part of the story
A turning point / decision made

5 FALLING ACTION Lead to the resolution Conflicts start to be resolved

6 RESOLUTION Conflicts are resolved The end of the story

7 Plot Mountain Foldable
Cut out foldable along the perimeter on the outer black lines. 2. Fold along the dotted lines.

8 Plot Mountain Foldable
3. Cut along the black borders between elements, stopping at the dotted fold line. 4. Finally, color your foldable.

9 Plot Mountain Notes Exposition * the first part of the plot * characters, setting, and basic situation are revealed Rising Action * main part of the story * moves the plot along * where complications arise Climax * the most exciting or intense part of the story for the protagonist * the OMG! * usually a turning point

10 Plot Mountain Notes Falling Action
* events that follow the climax and lead to the resolution * conflicts begin moving towards resolution Resolution * the end of the story * loose ends of the plot are tied up * remaining questions are answered * conflicts are resolved

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