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Waiting for the Christ: The Messiah's Vocation

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Presentation on theme: "Waiting for the Christ: The Messiah's Vocation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Waiting for the Christ: The Messiah's Vocation

2 How much of a threat is the baby Jesus to you?
How much hope does the baby Jesus offer you? The Messiah's Vocation Hosea chapter 11 Matthew chapter 2

3 The Messiah's Vocation

4 The Messiah's Vocation “When the Magi had gone...
...And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: ‘Out of Egypt I called my son.’” The Messiah's Vocation Matthew chapter 2 verse 15

5 “To you a son will be born. To you a king will be given
“To you a son will be born. To you a king will be given. And his advent will cause great jealousy, and in those days men will seek his death. But I, the LORD, will protect him. Beside the river of Egypt I will succour him. And in the time of my favour, out of Egypt will I call my son.” The Messiah's Vocation The Prophecy of Steve, Chapter 6

6 "When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.”
The Messiah's Vocation The Prophecy of Hosea, Chapter 11 verse 1

7 “But the more I called Israel, the further they went from me
“But the more I called Israel, the further they went from me. They sacrificed to the Baals and they burned incense to images.” The Messiah's Vocation The Prophecy of Hosea, Chapter 11 verse 2

8 “It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms; but they did not realise it was I who healed them.” The Messiah's Vocation The Prophecy of Hosea, Chapter 11 verse 3

9 “I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love; I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them.” The Messiah's Vocation The Prophecy of Hosea, Chapter 11 verse 4

10 "When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.”
The Messiah's Vocation The Prophecy of Hosea, Chapter 11 verse 1

11 The Messiah's Vocation

12 The Messiah's Vocation History is Prophecy
...And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: ‘Out of Egypt I called my son.’” The Messiah's Vocation History is Prophecy

13 The Messiah's Vocation Israel All life on earth

14 The Messiah's Vocation Israel Jesus Genesis Exodus Wilderness
Land – covenant Prophets Kings Exile Restoration Israel Genesis Exodus Wilderness Covenant Prophet King Exile - Death Restoration - Raised Jesus The Messiah's Vocation

15 Jesus is Israel in person
The Messiah's Vocation

16 Jesus The Messiah's Vocation Israel All life on earth

17 How much of a threat is the baby Jesus to you?
How much hope does the baby Jesus offer you? The Messiah's Vocation Hosea chapter 11 Matthew chapter 2

18 Waiting for the Christ: The Messiah's Vocation

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