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Ionic Bonds.

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1 Ionic Bonds

2 IONIC BOND bond formed between two ions by the transfer of electrons

3 Ionic Bond Characteristics
One atom gains, one loses electrons. Produce charged ions in all states. Electrical attraction between ions of opposite charge. Between atoms of metals and nonmetals with very different electronegativity Strong Bond but not as strong as a covalent bond.

4 Ionic Bond Characteristics
Crystalline solid. Very high melting point. Soluble in H2O. Insoluble in nonpolar solvents. Nonconductor of heat and electricity in solid form. Conducts electricity in aqueous solutions or when melted. Examples: NaCl, CaCO3

5 What is an ionic compound?
Ionic compounds are when one or more electrons are transferred from one atom to another, creating a neutral compound. Usually consist of a metal (cation) and a nonmetal (anion) Metal + Nonmetal

6 Ionic Bond

7 Opposites Attract!




11 Formula from the Name Calcium Phosphide Write the ionic symbols
Ca P3- Add ions until the total charge equals zero. Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ P3- P = (+6) (-6) = zero Write the symbols and how many of each atom or polyatomic ion there are in the neutral compound. Ca3P2

12 Formula from the Name Magnesium Nitrate Mg2+ NO3-
Mg2+ NO3- NO3- = Zero (+2) (-2) Mg(NO3)2

13 Criss-Cross the Charges
To figure out the correct formula, you can criss-cross the number of the charge of the ion to become the subscript of the opposite ion.

14 Criss-Cross the Charges

15 Criss-Cross the Charges
Always have the lowest whole numbers as the subscripts.

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