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I.B. Mathematical Studies S.L.

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Presentation on theme: "I.B. Mathematical Studies S.L."— Presentation transcript:

1 I.B. Mathematical Studies S.L.
Teacher: Mrs. Spencer


3 Teamwork ∙ Sharing ∙ Respect Work Ethic ∙ Responsibility Quality WORK

4 GRADING: Major grades: 70% Daily/Minor grades: 20%
Participation/Homework 10%

5 Major grades Major Projects Written exams

6 Minor / daily grades Team work activities done in class Quizzes

7 HOMEWORK grades Traditional assigned homework
Class participation counts as a homework grade as well.

8 Tutoring is available

9 Parent Connect Parent connection is our new web application for parents to access information about grades, attendance, etc. Gradebooks should be updated on Mondays.

10 BLACKBOARD All assignments, reference material & notes are on BLACKBOARD. Students can access from the internet and work on or print out assignments


12 Teacher Contact Amy Spencer Room 286
Best way to contact teacher is through ** My will probably change, I’ll keep current contact information posted on my website **

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