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Presentation on theme: "SECTION 2.1 TO 2.2 NOTES."— Presentation transcript:


2 I. Matter and Energy A. Matter 1. State of Matter a. Solids 1. Bones 2. Teeth b. Liquids 1. Blood plasma 2. Interstitial fluid

3 c. Gases 1. Oxygen 2. Carbon dioxide 2. Changes in Matter a. Physical - Doesn't change composition of substance 1. Solid ice to Liquid water b. Chemical - Changes composition of substance 1. Fermentation

4 2. Digestion B. Energy 1. Kinetic - Active energy 2. Potential - Stored energy 3. Forms of Energy a. Chemical - Stored in chemical bonds b. Electrical - Movement of charged particles

5 c. Mechanical - Involved in moving matter
d. Radiant - Electromagnetic spectrum II. Composition of Matter: A. Elements and Atoms 1. Major elements a. Oxygen b. Carbon c. Hydrogen

6 d. Nitrogen 2. Lesser elements a. Calcium f. Chlorine b. Phosphorus g. Magnesium c. Potassium h. Iodine d. Sulfur i. Iron e. Sodium 3. Trace elements B. Atomic Structure

7 1. Nucleus a. Protons b. Neutrons 2. Electrons C. Identifying Elements 1. Atomic number - # of Protons 2. Atomic weight - # of Protons and Neutrons 3. Isotopes

8 III. Chemical Bonds and Reactions
A. Bond Formation 1. Valence shell - Outermost electrons involved in bonds 2. Ionic Bonds (Transfer electrons) a. Salts - Compounds formed by ionic bonding 3. Covalent Bonds (Sharing electrons)

9 a. Single, Double or Triple bonds
b. Polar bond c. Nonpolar bond 4. Hydrogen bonds a. Weak bonds b. Hydrogen is attracted to negative portion of polar molecule

10 B. Chemical Reaction 1. Synthesis a. Example - Amino acids join to form a protein 2. Decomposition a. Example - Glycogen broken down to release glucose 3. Exchange

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