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Writing History Essays for the Pre-U Mandarin Chinese Culture Paper 4

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1 Writing History Essays for the Pre-U Mandarin Chinese Culture Paper 4
IOE Workshop June 2018

2 Pre-U History Syllabus Breakdown
The Sino-Japanese War 1937 – 1945 The Second United Front The GMD’s strategy & conduct of the war The CCP’s strategy & conduct of the war The international context – especially the role of the USA Key exam questions: What was more significant in China’s victory over Japan: internal developments or external factors? Who emerged stronger from the Sino-Japanese War – the GMD or the CCP? Key debate Did Chiang’s mistakes lose him the war? How important was the role of the USA and the USSR? Were the CCP the real anti-Japanese resistance, rather than the GMD?

3 Pre-U History Syllabus Breakdown
Mao’s theoretical developments in the Yan’an period The key elements of Mao Zedong Thought Two Revolutions theory The “Mass Line” Rectification & thought control Role of art & literature in society The relationship with the USSR Key exam questions: How important were the policies and ideas developed in the Yan’an years in the CCP’s success? How far were Mao’s ideas put into practice during the early years of the PRC? Key debate To what extent did the Yan’an period represent liberation or a new form of social control? How significant was the use of intimidation & the development of the Cult of Personality in shaping the CCP’s policies? Were they a means to seize power or a betrayal of the original movement? Understanding “Maostalgia” in modern China ( pacific /china-s-red-tourism-makes-revolution-fun)

4 Pre-U History Syllabus Breakdown
The Civil War 1945 – 1949 (usually examined in the context of 1937 – 45) The end of the Second United Front The GMD’s weaknesses & their conduct of the war The CCP’s strengths and strategy esp. support of the peasantry The international context: how did the USSR & the USA determine the outcome? Key exam questions: Was it GMD mistakes or the CCP’s strengths that led to the victory of the CCP in 1949? What was more significant: internal developments or external factors? Key debate Did Chiang’s mistakes lose him the war? How far did the CCP win the Civil War by default? How important was the attitude of the USA in allowing the CCP victory?

5 Pre-U History Syllabus Breakdown
The Establishment of the People’s Republic 1949 – 1956 The new political and administrative structures of the PRC The effects of the Korean War Role of the USSR Land Reform The First Five Year Plan Education Mass mobilisation projects Key exam questions: How far did the CCP succeed in changing China between 1949 and 1956? How far did Mao put the ideals of the Yan’an years into practice? What role did the USSR play in the PRC? Key debate How far were the 1950s a “golden age” in China? How far did Mao act in his own interest rather than the CCP’s or China’s?

6 Essay writing What makes a good essay?
In your groups make a list of the qualities that make a good history essay Think about the different components that make an essay deserve high marks

7 Qualities of Essay writing
What makes a good essay? Answers the question that is asked (not the question the student wishes was asked) The essay is analytical rather than descriptive (i.e. it doesn’t just tell the story of what happened) Each paragraph has a particular point/argument it is trying to make The analysis is supported by precise and well selected factual detail that is relevant There is an overall argument which shows some prior thought and planning before the candidate has started writing: ‘integrative argument’ There is an introduction which highlights the key issues of the question and perhaps summarises the debate There is a conclusion which brings the threads of the essay together and makes a clear statement that answers the question that has been asked

8 Critical analysis Students might think of narration and analysis this way - Who, what, when, and where are the stuff of narration; how, why, and to what effect are the stuff of analysis. So – what for instance, caused that event to happen? • Why was there a focus on this? • What influenced or motivated that person to act in that way? • What does the evidence suggest about that? • Why did things change then?

9 More Critical analysis
• Why not before? • Why was this turning point? • What was the lasting impact of that? • Or was the impact only short-lived and why? • Why was this cause more significant than that one? • Were there external issues that caused that to happen? • Was this a long term issue? Etc.

10 Assessing essays – Markscheme: Content
23–25 Excellent Excellent ability to organise material in relation to the question. Comprehensive response with an extensive number of relevant points targeting the terms of the question with precision. Displays detailed knowledge and sustained analysis. 19–22 Very good A thoughtful and well-argued response to the question. Includes a large number of relevant points, well illustrated. Displays thorough knowledge, good understanding and analysis of the material. 15–18 Good A well-argued response to the question. Includes a good number of relevant points, most of which are developed and illustrated. Some limitations of insight, but a coherent approach. 11–14 Satisfactory A mainly relevant response to the question. Shows fair knowledge and understanding of the material. Includes a fair number of relevant points, not always linked and/or developed. 6–10 Weak An uneven OR basic response to the question. Shows some knowledge and understanding of the material. Includes some relevant points, but development and illustration are limited. Contains padding AND/OR has some obvious omissions OR is largely narrative/description. 1–5 Poor Little attempt to answer the question. Only elementary knowledge and understanding of the material. Makes very few relevant points and even these are largely undeveloped and unsubstantiated OR a response which makes hardly any attempt to address the terms of the question but which displays a basic general knowledge of the material. 0 No rewardable content.

11 Assessing essays - Markscheme: Structure
5 Very good A well-structured and coherent piece of writing, with ideas and arguments clearly linked throughout. All paragraphs well-constructed. Includes a comprehensive introduction and conclusion. 4 Good A clear structure, with logical presentation of ideas. Most paragraphs well-constructed. Includes an adequate introduction and conclusion. 3 Satisfactory Some success in organising material and ideas into a structured piece of writing. A reasonable attempt to paragraph but weakness in introduction and conclusion. 2 Weak Some attempt to organise material and ideas into a structured piece of writing. Many single- sentence paragraphs or no attempt at paragraphing. Organisation of ideas not always logical. 1 Poor No attempt to organise material and ideas into a structured piece of writing. Incoherent. Ideas introduced in no apparent order. 0 No rewardable structure.

12 Qualities of Weaker Essays
Lack of effective planning as seen in lack of coherent structure. Partial response to the question, either in terms of knowledge or range of issues to be considered. Lengthy descriptive passages not clearly linked to the question.

13 Qualities of Weaker Essays
Over lengthy introductions which did little more than provide contextual information. Conclusions which repeated points already made. Absence of sustained analysis and judgement. Inappropriate language, over use of first person etc.

14 Building Essays – a structural tool
To what extent did the wider international situation (1937–1949) help to ensure that the Communist Party of China (CCP) won the Civil War, leading to the founding of the People’s Republic of China?

15 Building Essays – a structural tool
To what extent did the wider international situation (1937–1949) help to ensure that the Communist Party of China (CCP) won the Civil War, leading to the founding of the People’s Republic of China?

16 Key issues – what allowed the CCP to win the Civil War?
Wider international situation USA’s role in China The USSR’s role in China Strengths of the CCP Support of the peasants Leadership of Mao Weaknesses of the GMD Effects of the Sino-Japanese War Chiang’s strategic mistakes

17 Group Task There are a series of statements on the handout
Can you match them up to the correct paragraph in the grid? Can you put the statements in order so that they contain: A Point Evidence Explanation Link to the question PEEL


19 Going further with more able students
Adding evaluations to your paragraphs Thinking about how to organise your argument Match the evaluation statements to the correct paragraph Think about how they help improve the essay

20 Teaching ideas for essays
Peer and self-marking. Highlighting their essay, e.g. link to the question, own knowledge, evaluation etc. Match the feedback to your essay. Model answers – you be the examiner. Write a bad answer.

21 Useful links Alpha History: an excellent site with a series of mini-essays and documents covering 19th and 20th century China Rana Mitter’s Chinese Characters: excellent radio 4 series of 15 minute podcasts, including many that cover the Pre-U Paper 4 History Course In Our Time Sino-Japanese War 1937 – 1945 :

22 Some suggested reading

23 Understanding Mao Zedong Thought

24 1949 – 1956: A “Golden Age” for the PRC?

25 Resources - textbooks

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