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Pilot Boreal Natura 2000 Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Pilot Boreal Natura 2000 Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pilot Boreal Natura 2000 Workshop
Forests Pilot Boreal Natura 2000 Workshop Esko Hyvärinen Natural Heritage Services

2 Forest habitat types Conservation status Unfavourable-bad
9010 Western Taiga 9050 Fennoscandian herb-rich forests with Picea abies 9060 Coniferous forests on, or connected to, glaciofluvial eskers 9080 Fennoscandian deciduous swamp woods 91E0 Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior Conservation status Unfavourable-bad – 91E0 Unfavourable-inadequate Esko Hyvärinen

3 What are the common problems in management of habitats?
Shortage of natural disturbances Forestry and other land use outside Natura 2000 areas – increasing fragmentation and decreasing connectivity Uneven distribution of protected areas within boreal region Human induced changes in habitat quality, e.g. tree species composition, age structure, spatial and temporal availability of variable dead wood resources Restoration of hydrology Lack of funding for restoration and monitoring and for compensations to landowners Challenges in landscape level approach Esko Hyvärinen

4 Are there information gaps concerning these problems?
What is the optimal management of naturally dynamic disturbance driven ecosystems? How natural disturbance factors and disturbance regimes should be mimicked? How different disturbances should be applied in management of areas – where, when, frequency, intensity? Insufficient knowledge of fire use methodology Insufficient knowledge in ecological effects of different restoration measures Insufficient knowledge in restoration ecology Esko Hyvärinen

5 Are there particularly relevant examples of good practice?
Guidelines for forest restoration and management of forest habitats Forest Biodiversity Programme for Southern Finland (the METSO-programme) Network of Fire Continuity Areas (FI) and ecological strategy for fire prone habitats ”Eldskäl” (SE) Several EU Life and other projects Examples of successful management actions Collaboration with military, forest companies etc. in certain areas Esko Hyvärinen

6 Are there concrete possibilities for cooperation?
Towards favourable conservation status of forests at boreal level Are there concrete possibilities for cooperation? Are there proposals for concrete cooperative actions that could be launched at the seminar? Esko Hyvärinen

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