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Note taking How do you do it???

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1 Note taking How do you do it???
Note taking is really a “develop your own process” kind of thing, so these are just tips

2 Being an effective student
Learning to take notes, and then study those notes is one of the hardest things to do in school. So here are a few tips on how to note take and then how to take those notes and turn them into something useful

3 Always look for a guiding question
Step 1 Always look for a guiding question Each unit will have a guiding unit question This question will ultimately be driving the unit forward, so everything we do in each unit will ALWAYS relate back to this question? Your unit assessment will be answering the guiding unit question with what you have learned, observed, concluded, and reflected upon.

4 Step 1 (cont) If you are doing a smaller assignment that doesn’t have a guiding question given to you, survey the text/assignment, and create one for yourself

5 Actual rest of the tips... Actually write things down -- Don’t just type something on your phone or computer It is scientifically proven that you retain more information when you write it down Develop a shorthand system You do not have to write down every word - in fact, many teachers don’t want you to Try to keep your sentences around 5 or 6 words Use abbreviations Drop articles or prepositions Use arrows to make connections Pay attention to KEYWORDS

6 Paraphrase Put the notes in your own words...don’t just write verbatim what is said or written Putting it in your own words means that you have read, processed, and comprehended what is being said

7 Using a graphic organizer
I will often provide you with a graphic organizer I set it up a certain way or chosen a certain organizer for a reason, so be sure to READ and FOLLOW instructions

8 Start a new page every day
Date your notes….this is so important… This will help keep things very organized Also please keep your notes in their own section of your binder, if not in their own spiral notebook Do not just shove things into the abyss that is your backpack

9 Listen to what is being said
While what is written on the board is important, often times what I say is more important The words on the power point or board are often references for me to remember what I want to say Listen and write down important things that are said, as well as, what is written

10 Don’t freak out if you miss something - I won’t go back
Share your notes…. If you miss something, chances are someone else got it…..borrow your neighbor’s notes Or maybe they got something you didn’t even think to write down Move on when I move on….Don’t waste everyone’s time by dwelling on a concept

11 How do you find what you need?
Create an indexing system Note cards Color coding Sticky notes Tabs Or you can actually index it or create a table of contents

12 More Go back over your notes more than just the night before a test!!!
Annotate your notes-- This involves your commentary or filling in the blanks, highlighting what’s important then writing why it's important, crossing things out, etc...

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